Have not you heard about the positive effects of coffee ash on skin conditions like psoriasis? This innovative and revolutionary product is made by burning coffee pods, which are later turned into ashes. Thanks to their completely natural composition and their considerable drying power, skin injuries can be cured faster and the health of psoriatic skin, diminishing inflammation, redness, itching, desquamation and other symptoms can be improved. Efficacy has been tested by dermatologists and a clinical evaluation of tolerability has been performed in patients with psoriasis who showed significant improvements after their use.

If you would like further information about this product, read on to this article, which shows in detail how you can treat psoriasis with caterpillars.

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Causes and Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disease that results from abnormal growth of the cells that make up the skin due to excessive activity of the immune system. In fact, the process of cell renewal on the skin can take about a month, but in patients with psoriasis, it is reduced to just one week. Although it is not known exactly what is the cause of psoriasis, there are a number of risk factors that can lead to their occurrence.

These are the following:

• Genetic factors
• Stress and nervousness
• Bad eating habits
• Consumption of some drugs
• environmental factors
• skin lesions
• infections

Symptoms of psoriasis

Depending on the type of psoriasis, one or the other symptom may occur. In general, however, common symptoms occur in all patients, eg.

• Appearance of a rash with red, irritated and scaly patches.
• Itchy skin that causes itching.
• Dryness and skin covered by dandruff.
• Pink or red skin.
• Thickened or raised skin.

Properties of coffee ash for the treatment of psoriasis
In addition to the pharmacological treatments indicated for psoriasis, there are natural products that offer great efficacy in controlling outbreaks of this disease, and one of the most recent discoveries is called coffee aches. It is a completely natural new product made from the ashes of roasted coffee-bean rinds, which has proved effective in its use in patients with psoriasis, who showed a remarkable improvement after about 4 months.

Main advantages of coffee ash
This ash has a high dry performance and contains potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. All this means that the psoriatic skin lesions on topical application greatly improve, reduce inflammation, itching, redness and smooth the rough and desquamative texture they represent.

With its application you can see how the skin improves faster, regains its softness, is imperfect and looks much smoother. As a result, sufferers notice great relief and comfort, which greatly improves their well-being.

Therefore, it has been concluded that the ash of coffee husks is a good natural treatment for psoriasis and for combatting the symptoms and outbreaks of this disease. In addition, it is less invasive than traditional topical treatments with corticosteroids. It has been shown to be suitable for all skin types. It works very effectively in drier skin areas and skin lesions caused by, for example, psoriasis.

How to use coffee ash for psoriasis
To treat psoriasis with cow ash, you only need to purchase the product, which is in powder form and is used topically, by applying it directly to the affected areas. Follow these tips to use the kaffir ash correctly:

Wash your hands with soap and water and dry them well with a towel.
Apply the product to the skin and massage gently with circular motions until you find that it has been completely absorbed.
Perform this treatment once a day, preferably at night, before falling asleep, so that the exposure time is much longer.
It is important that you do not use it on open or bleeding wounds.


The results are observed more or less rapidly depending on the extent of psoriasis. It was pointed out that already in the first month of treatment a clear improvement of the damaged skin and a strong reduction of the symptoms can be observed. However, in these more acute cases, the application may be extended for up to 3 or 4 months to see the benefits.

Where to buy coffee ashes

If you want to buy coffee ash to treat psoriasis naturally, you should visit online pharmacies, physical pharmacies, herbalists or shops specializing in the sale of natural products. In any case, they can inform you about the doubt about this treatment and its use or application.

Do not hesitate and convince yourself of the effectiveness of this product. You will find a good ally in it to alleviate and improve the appearance of the psoriatic skin.

Other natural remedies for psoriasis
In addition to the use of coffee ash in psoriasis, it is also important that you know which other natural treatments can help to improve the condition of your skin and accelerate the healing of skin injuries that occur during outbreaks.

Among those that can give you better results include the following:

• Aloe vera
• Sale of Epsom
• seawater
• oats
• arnica oil
• linseed oil

Cape of horsetail, burdock, dandelion or marigold
Find out which features each one has and how you can use them. Read the article How to treat psoriasis by natural means.

This article is for information only, we do not have the opportunity to prescribe medical treatment or make any diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor if you have any complaints or complaints.

Author's Bio: 

Imon is a freelance writer.