Are you going to write informative essay today then do you have the required information for informative essay writing ? We are asking you this because informative essay demands more amounts of information than any other type of essay and this is why it is considered to be more difficult. So, in order to ease the difficulties of the students, we have decided to provide them with step by step procedure which will help them write their informative essays in a more effective way.

First Step:

The first step on which the entire essay will base on will be the selection of the topic, remember that the topic for informative essays should be something on which you can provide information, that is interesting enough to attract the attention of the reader and that is not common. For example; you can write on the causes of eating disorders.

Second step:

Second most important thing is to write a thesis statement, the thesis statement would only be completed when you are very clear about what you want to say in your informative essay on eating disorder. Ask yourself, what is the main focus of writing your essay, for example it is the causes of eating disorders then you must devise a statement that will claim that a big reason of the disease, such as negative family influences can create eating disorders in the children.

Third step:

In the third step you would be writing an outline for an informative essay, for this you will have to write important points in an organized way that will be incorporated in the eating disorder essay. For example; the percentage of the children going through eating disorder problem, what is the age group that is quite contagious to this disease etc.

Fourth step:

Fourth phase is the research phase, you can use internet for the information on eating disorders or you can also go for national health information centre to get the first hand information or eating disorder association, you can also interview children who are currently going through this problem. In short, just absorb every bit of information from wherever source possible.

Fifth step:

Now, it is time to begin essay writing, first thing you should do is to think for an interesting hook that will grab the attention of the readers, for example; anorexia is killing girls today. You will thousand of hook writing idea over the internet if you will search for them.

Sixth step:

As your main focus is on writing the causes of eating disorders then you should concentrate on the causes then other information. Make a list of points that are the causes and discuss them in detail in the body of an informative essay.

Seventh step:

In the last step, you will wrap up your work, jot down all the important points that you discussed in the body of the informative essay then finally restate the thesis statement that you were right in your claim. You can also provide suggestions and recommendation to prevent the disease.

Hence, just follow the step provided above and your informative essay will be completed in no time.

Author's Bio: 

Diana Nunez is a senior research writer and provide help for Informative Essay and An Informative Essay. Feel free to contact for any sort of help in this regard.