Let’s talk about goals! Better yet, let’s DO SOMETHING about your goals, because that is the single biggest difference between actually setting a goal and simply saying some words in hopes that someday you’ll have what you want.

In order for a goal to take hold and become real, you must commit to it somehow. Typically that is writing down your goal on a piece of paper. But since the age of the internet and websites which provide goal setting software, the process has become even easier. No longer do you have to keep a piece of paper that you have to worry about getting lost or ruined to keep track of your goals.

Regardless of whether you use a sophisticated website like http://LifeTrax.com , or a scrap of paper that you keep in your pocket, the process and theories are the same.

If you’ve never learned how to effectively set a goal, there is a simple method that will help you set, stay on track, and achieve your goals. Follow these steps and you’ll be well on your way to achieving more than you ever thought possible.

Remember the word S.M.A.R.T.

The word smart in an acronym for the following:

S = Specific

M = Measurable

A = Achievable

R = Realistic

T = Timed

Let’s break down each of these components individually.

Specific – A specific goal is something that is stated as a matter of fact. So for instance, a specific goal is would be “I will lose twenty pounds.” It would not be “I want to lose weight.” It would be “I will finish a triathlon” it wouldn’t be “I want to get in shape”

In order for your brain to begin calculating what it will take to accomplish a goal, it must have a specific end in mind. Your brain cannot effectively achieve the end result if it’s confused as to what the specific goal is.

Measurable – After you set a specific goal, you must have a way to measure your progress. Another “M” in the goal setting process is “Motivating.” In order to stay motivated, you must measure your progress to show yourself that you’re moving closer to your goal.

So measurability is simply the act of breaking down your larger goal into smaller more progress oriented and measurable milestones. An example of measuring a goal would be (Specific) “I will lose twenty pounds” (Measureable step) “Lose One Pound” and simply repeat the act of losing one pound over and over again.

If you’re writing down your goals, or using a goal setting website, then you will be able to visually see your progress each time you check off that you’ve lost another pound, and therefore you’re measuring your progress and motivating yourself at the same time.

Achievable – There is something that should be mentioned here with this part of goal setting. The simple fact is that NOTHING is unachievable! However, achievability needs to be looked at very carefully when setting goals. Let’s review so you can see what I mean.

Specific – “Lose twenty pounds”

Measurable – “Lose one pound” next “Lose two pounds” next “Lose three pounds”

Achievable – “In one week” …..Now, I’m not going to say it’s not attainable, but please make sure that you are realistic. It’s our next word, but understand that “Achievable” should be something that stretches you beyond your comfort zone but can be achieved.

Realistic – What would be realistic to your situation? To provide you with an example we’ll say that if you wanted to take up hiking you would set a realistic goal to “Climb Mt. Localtoomee And Reach The Top” as a realistic goal for starting out. You wouldn’t set a goal (Short term anyway) to “Climb Mt. Everest And Reach The Top.”

There is a difference between setting long term goals, and realistic short term goals. Be sure to set goals that are realistic to your personal experience and ability. You can always set larger goals as your situation changes during the goal setting and achieving process.

Remember, goals should motivate you!

Timed – A timed deadline is simply setting a limit on yourself as to how long you will take to achieve the goal. It also gives your brain a way to measure the amount of effort it needs to put into accomplishing the goal. I’m sure you’ve noticed that when you set a time that something needs to be done, it typically takes up to that very moment to get it done. Yet, think for a second about things that you haven’t set a deadline for yet….Are they done?

If you set a deadline for losing 20 pounds, you let your brain know that it must work to achieve that deadline. If you simply say “I’m going to lose 20 pounds” but never say by when….you’ll be trying to lose that same 20 pounds forever.

So get started setting SMART goals and you'll soon be achieving more than you ever thought possible.

Author's Bio: 

Thomas Anderson Offers A Free 5 E Course To Help You Live A Reality That Exceeds Your Dreams By Clicking Here http://lifetraxblog.com/subscribe It's A Valuable Resourse To Help You Set In Motion What It Takes To Be Successful.