November’s Planets

It’s Report Card Time for Relationships through April 7, 2010.
Saturn, the Great Teacher, gives us grades to let us know how we are doing. As Saturn entered Libra, the sign of relationships and marriage, on October 29, where it will remain until April 7, 2010, Saturn will be letting us know how we have been handling our relationships. If we have chosen the people in our lives wisely and have been working on our relationships, we will feel happy with them. If our relationships are not what we would like for them to be, now is the time to decide if they are worth saving, and if they are, what we need to do to get them on a better footing. If adjustments are needed, now is the time to make them. Many people are reassessing how to be responsible to themselves, as well as to others. Some relationships will dissolve when people realize that they cannot be true to themselves and stay in particular relationships. Saturn can be the planet of loneliness. If you are lonely, you should get to work and find the relationships that you want.

Get Rid of What You No Longer Need throughout the Month.
With the Sun in Scorpio until 10:22 p.m. November 21, it is a good time to get rid of what you no longer need. Of course, this applies to clutter, but it also applies to old habits that no longer serve you, grudges and hurts from the past. The Moon joins the Sun in the sign Scorpio from 4:24pm November 14 until 11:22 p.m. November 16, adding more Scorpionic strength to getting rid of what you no longer need. Mercury will be in Scorpio until November 15, helping you release old patterns of thinking. Venus will also be in Scorpio from November 7 until December 1, adding more planetary power to get rid of things, especially hurts of the heart.

Expect the Unexpected until December 1.
Uranus remains in the last degrees of Pisces and is moving slowly. Uranus brings sudden and unexpected events and changes. The best way to deal with this energy is to be open to new and exciting developments and technologies and to try and keep up with them. Don’t be left behind. Try new things.

Solar Eclipses Affecting the Need for Change and Paying Attention to Home and Family for the Rest of 2009.
There are usually two solar eclipses a year. The first one occurred January 26 at 6 degrees of Aquarius. This eclipse further indicated the need for innovation and thinking in new ways. The second solar eclipse this year occurred on July 21 at 29 degrees of Cancer. This indicates that people will have to spend more time and energy on home, family, dependency needs and security needs. These areas will be in a state of flux and will need more attention given to them. Take care of home repairs as soon as you can before they grow into larger problems. Many people will experience significant changes in their families. Devote more time to home and family to use this solar energy in a wise way.

Good for evolving spiritually through the rest of the year.
Jupiter continues its long-term conjunction (being close to the same degree and sign of the zodiac as seen from Earth) with Neptune through the rest of the year and into part of 2010. Jupiter enlarges what it touches. Neptune rules spirituality, religion, confusion and addiction. Watch for continued righteous religious feelings, where people of different beliefs will each think they are correct. This aspect can bring people closer to God, but it can also trick people into thinking that they have the only truth with a capital T. Use this aspect wisely and you can become closer to God and also more unconditionally loving. This is a great time for spiritual retreats and religious pilgrimages. Watch out for all kinds of flooding, including plumbing problems.

Help in career matters until January 13, 2010.
Saturn stopped going in apparent backwards motion as seen from the earth and is going in forward motion until January 13, 2010. This is good news for people who have been stuck in their careers—not having one they like or not feeling they were making progress. Having Saturn going in forward motion through the zodiac will help ease up career matters, if you put in the effort required.

Feeling blocked, stuck and frustrated through April 15, 2010.
Saturn squaring (about 90 degrees from) Pluto indicates times of feeling like you are pushing a heavy object uphill with no end in sight. Saturn will be exactly 90 degrees from Pluto on November 15, so the effect will be especially strong from November 15 through 29, and will stay in effect through April 15, 2010. Your efforts seem difficult with little payoff. Since this is also the Chinese Year of the Ox, this effect is intensified. We have to keep plugging away, even though the progress seems slow.

I hope this is beneficial to you. Let me know if I can be of any other help. Dianne Lawson 785/232-2836

Author's Bio: 

Dianne Lawson has been a professional astrologer since 1973, helping people from all around the world with relationship. money and career problems. Please visit her Web site, for more information.