Having a how-to manual for your life would be great, wouldn’t it!

~Knowing when to zig and when to zag
~Knowing the best way to approach and influence people
~Making big decisions with confidence
~Knowing when you are on-path to fulfill your soul’s purpose, and how to get back on track when you’ve strayed

This is the core of how your Human Design Strategy can help you. It’s the User’s Manual we’ve all been hoping for!

Even if you already know your Strategy, you will get value from reviewing these basics. (To discover YOUR Type and Strategy, request your personal Human Design chart by clicking the banner above this article.)

~~~All About Energy Alignment~~~

Here are the fundamentals of using Strategy to help you live a happy and successful life.

There are five energy Types in Human Design — each has a different energetic structure. The five Types are called: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. You learn which Type you are from your personal Human Design chart. Each energy Type has a specific decision-making and action-taking Strategy.

When you make decisions and take actions using the Strategy for your Type, you align with your natural energetic structure. That alignment allows for “flow” because you’re working with your natural energy, rather than against it. It’s like turning your canoe around and floating easily downstream after having paddled upstream so hard for so long.

Your *TYPE* is the PERSONAL energy configuration you were born with - it does not change over time. The only thing that does change is how you express the energies you carry.

~~~Your *ROLE* in Life and Your *Strategy*~~~

The correct Role for you in life is directly associated with your Human Design Type. This makes it so much easier to choose the right career and work opportunities!

Some of us are designed to work, some are designed to guide and direct, and some are here to initiate work and relationships. A small percentage of us are here to be a mirror for everyone else.

For most of us (~92%!), our correct Strategy is to wait — even if only for a split second — before making decisions and taking actions. But there is much more to it than that.

Below are the basic Roles and Strategies for each Type. In a Full Human Design Reading with me, we would spend 30 minutes or so talking about YOUR Role and Strategy, so you completely get it and know how to use it. But the summary below will give you enough to get started.

From this list you’ll also begin to understand the ways in which others are different from you.

**Manifestor Role**
You are here to make things happen; you are the only Type designed to initiate action directly from ideas. You have a “motorized” Throat Center enabling you to impact people and be more easily heard than other Types.

Manifestor Strategy
-Inform those in your ‘impact field’ before you take action; wait only for your own sense of timing. We informally call it the “throw the spaghetti against the wall and see if it sticks” Strategy since you need to actually start things before you know if they are correct for you.

**Generator Role**
Generators are the workforce of the world, with sustainable life force energy for working a job, raising children, etc.
Your Defined Sacral Center gives you internal guidance on decisions and actions that are correct for you.

Generator Strategy
-Wait to respond with your Sacral sounds (uh-huh is yes, uhn-uhn is no) before making decisions/taking action.

This means having a gut/Sacral response to everything and anything around you, which is your indicator of whether something is correct for you to take action on.

**Manifesting Generator Role**
You are also the workforce of the world, with sustainable life force energy for working a job, raising children, etc.
You are the busiest of the five Types, and may skip steps in your hurry.

Your Defined Sacral Center gives you internal guidance for making correct decisions; your “motorized” Throat gives you impact and effectiveness.

Manifesting Generator Strategy
- Wait to respond with your Sacral sounds (uh-huh is yes, uhn-uhn is no), then inform those in your ‘impact field’ before making decisions/taking action.

This means having a gut/Sacral response to everything and anything around you, which is your indicator of whether something is correct for you to take action on (though you may need to start something for final confirmation, and then not continue doing it if it no longer feels correct).

**Projector Role**
You are here to manage, guide and direct others and their activities.You are not designed to work a regular 9-5 job; your energy is powerful when used correctly but it isn’t sustainable. You need to manage your energy deliberately.

Projector Strategy
- Wait to be invited into major choices in life (jobs/career, marriage, moving, etc.); wait to be recognized or asked before sharing your wisdom, advice or opinion.

When you wait, the right people will invite you to the right opportunities. But only accept invitations that feel “delicious” to you!

**Reflector Role**
You are here to reflect the well-being of your community, family, etc., and be an early warning signal of any problems. You are here to be wise about human potential and the human experience.

Reflector Strategy
- Wait 29 days before making important decisions, then take all action needed.

Surround yourself with good friends and family, and talk about your decisions. It may be challenging for you to find the best path for you — go with what feels good.

~~~“Is This Your Final Answer?”~~~

There is another factor that influences our correct decision-making — it is called Authority. It could be the subject of an entire article, but for now I’ll simply say that if your Authority (shown on your personal Human Design chart) has the word “emotional” in it, you need to wait at least a day or two after your initial response before making a decision. You are not designed for spontaneous decision-making!

Learn more by clicking the banner above this article.

Author's Bio: 

Evelyn Levenson, MBA
Your Success By Design Coach & Certified Human Design Specialist has felt driven to help others, using whatever tools and abilities she had at the time, from figuring out how to repair a friend’s bicycle chain during a long bike ride as a teenager, to learning software in her business world so she could help others use it. Now, her tool set and skill level have greatly expanded and she's on a deliberate mission to empower people to create a life they love!

For more information visit her website at: HumanDesignforSuccess.com