The major reason for the cause of tooth decay and dental caries is due to the breakdown of the tooth enamel. When the bacteria on the teeth that breakdown the food and produce acids ends by destroying the tooth enamel, it results in the decay of the tooth. It begins with a small hole in a tooth, called a cavity, and if it is not treated at the right time the result is the pain, infection, and even loss of a tooth.

Tooth decay can occur in people of all ages – from a child, adult and old age. Early childhood caries is also called a baby bottle tooth decay that occurs in young children of age between 6 and 11 years and leads to severe tooth decay of baby teeth. Tooth decay is also seen as the most common chronic disease of adolescents aged 14 to 17 years, though it is also seen in the adult with 9 out of 10 over the age of 20 are see with tooth-root decay.

Water fluoridation can help in reducing the rate of tooth decay in children, adults and old age. Good oral hygiene is an inevitable part of daily routine to ensure maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Hygiene of the teeth includes –

  • Brushing the teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is important. Floss or use an interdental cleaner to clean any food particles between the teeth.
  • Rinse the mouth with fluoride to avoid the risk of developing cavities
  • Eat health nutritious foods such as fresh food fruits and vegetables that help to increase the saliva flow. Avoid too much intake of sugar. It is also vital to avoid food that could get stuck in the groove and pits of the teeth for a longer duration. Brush your teeth immediately after having such food. Unsweetened coffee and tea or sugar-free chewing gum will help wash the food particles away.
  • Drinking tap water instead of bottled water is recommended as the public water supplies have added fluoride that helps in reduction of tooth decay.
  • Frequent snacking and sipping beverages other than plain water increases the bacterial action and acid production in the mouth that can destroy the tooth enamel.
  • Make sure to visit the dentist regularly to get the professional teeth cleaning and regular oral exams done. It helps in preventing early spotting of dental decay, cleaning and sealing the decay to protect your teeth.
  • Sealants act as the protective plastic coating that is applied to the chewing surface of the inner teeth. Sealants are used to seal the grooves and pits that could collect the food particles. It helps in avoiding the plaque and acid and protects the tooth enamel. But ensure that your dentist checks your sealant regularly.
  • Check with your dentist for the fluoride treatments, especially if you are not getting enough fluoride in your meals and other sources. Custom trays can be fitted over the teeth for application of prescription fluoride if the dentist finds higher risk of tooth decay.
  • Also check with the dentist for the antibacterial treatments if you feel that you are at risk of tooth decay due to medication, medical conditions. Special treatment of bacteria or antibacterial mouth rinses would be prescribed by the dentist to cut down the harmful effect of bacteria on your teeth.
  • Dental hygiene is vital, and everyone is checking for the best dental practice in Leeds. Check for the best dental services and talk to get direct access to a dental hygienist or therapist to ensure that your teeth are healthy and supports throughout your life.

    Author's Bio: 

    Freelance writer and published author.