Have you heard of the documentary Fed Up? I came across it as a result of a search online to do with healthy eating.

In a nutshell the documentary, created by filmmaker Stephanie Soechtig and journalist Katie Couric, investigates how the American food industry may be responsible for more sickness and obesity, especially in children, than previously realized.

To say I was shocked at what I saw is an understatement. It’s appalling what has happened due to greed and lack of integrity in the name of success and profits.

Yet, I would have never had access to this information had the filmmaker and Katie Couric not been willing to speak up about the health epidemic impacting our world.

2014 film Fed Up is an advocacy documentary. Its message:

• There is a worldwide epidemic of obesity.
• It is endangering our children.
• Increased sugar consumption is responsible.
• The food industry is responsible for our increased sugar consumption because it puts hidden sugar in processed foods, bombards us with advertising, favors profits over health, and lobbies against regulation.
• The government is responsible because it has failed to control the food industry.

It’s because someone was willing to speak up about an important issue the film was made and people around the globe are being made aware of a shocking truth.

There are plenty of issues and causes people believe in who are willing to speak up and yet, there are countless individuals who have something to say, but have yet to find their voice or a platform.

Granted, not everyone will make a documentary to voice their message. There are lots of great ways to do so besides a movie.

ne of the best ways to speak up is on the platform in front of a live audience. Men and women are doing it every day. Some for causes to improve a community. Some to teach attendees about health and fitness. Others to teach about financial well-being. Still others to show budding entrepreneurs how to grow a business. The list of topics goes on and on.

Whatever the topic or theme, you can have a platform. And as is often the case, you can make a great living in the process.

Case in point; recently I was recognized as one of 10 Pawer Women in the Pet Industry.

This honor came as a result of me speaking out on behalf of animal rights and using my platform to raise money for rescue animals.

Never, in my wildest dreams, would I have thought I would be recognized for my passion to help rescue animals.
Recognition was not my motivation. I was simply doing what I was called to do.

At a recent event I hosted about 20% of the audience were pet industry entrepreneurs. Most heard of me through my animal rescue advocacy. Some are now private clients. The event generated a substantial amount of revenues for my company.

If I hadn’t been willing to step on the platform, both for my non-business passion and my business passion, I would not have the impact I’m having.

It’s the same for you. The platform is one of the most effective ways to get your message out to market AND make great money in the process.

One of the most important aspects of effectively speaking up and making great money in the process is your mindset.


1. Because not everyone is going to embrace your message. You have to have broad shoulders so you can weather the opinions of others.
2. You MUST believe in your message.
3. You MUST believe in the value you bring to the audience.
4. There will be times your “lesser” self convinces you there is nothing you have to say.

When you conquer these four areas you will have an unstoppable mindset. The kind of mindset that positions you as a thought leader and someone people WANT to listen to.

Imagine what life will be like when you do get your message out in a big way and you make great money in the process.

Author's Bio: 

Kathleen Gage has been a professional speaker for over 20 years. Learn how you can make great money with speaking. Access Insider Secrets to Generate Over $100,000 A Year With FREE Presentations http://www.100kspeakerreport.com