There are only two answers to this question, and only one of them is right. To believe in and have a relationship with God takes faith. At times, I've wondered if God is real or if my relationship with Him is built on the way I was raised and the beliefs of other people. I've wondered why we exist and where God is in our existence. Often, when we can't hear God, explain Him, or experience Him in a radical way, we begin to let doubt creep in, and we start wondering if maybe we're off track. This past weekend, I asked myself and my parents if they had ever experienced God in their life, really experienced Him. I began to look back on my own life and search for times that could only be explained if God truly existed. Faith comes from God, and without it, people base their beliefs about God on their own experiences of Him. Sometimes, we tend to only look at our personal life, and if we see no direct evidence of Him, we assume He isn't real. As I was driving back from church on Sunday, thinking about the message, and about my relationship with God, it hit me.... Think bigger. God was telling me, Go beyond my life..... go beyond yours.....look around you for just a minute. As I drove and looked at the trees, the cars, the people...I experienced God. This world, His creation, was not an accident. Our intelligence didn't just occur. It was designed. We were designed by someone capable of making something incredible from nothing. We were designed by our God, our Creator. Do I choose to believe all of this just happened on accident, somehow, out of the blue, without any explanation, or do I choose to believe that God in His infinite intelligence and wisdom created this world and gives me life? By His grace, I choose to believe God is real. I experience Him every day. I haven't healed a blind man or been lifted off the ground. Nothing radically unexplainable has ever happened to me... or has it? My heart pumps blood with no help from me; My complex brain allows me to create thoughts and make choices. The rain falls without asking me for my permission. My daughter was marvelously formed in my womb in a way that I can't explain. Often, people miss the forest through the trees. We look for extraordinary miracles to prove that God is real, and we forget the everyday miracles that surround us. Every breath of life we take, is proof that God is real. Every time two microscopic cells continue to grow into a tiny body with an intricate heart and mind, God exhibits His wisdom and power. When you're filled with doubt about your faith in God, look around you. Ask God for the ability to see, truly see, His greatness that surrounds you. He is real. Eternity is real. Our sin and Christ's death on the cross is real. Like I said, today's question has two answers, and only one is right. Your personal belief about God doesn't change that answer, but it does determine the consequence of your choice.

Author's Bio: 

I am a born again believer, saved by the grace of God, striving to follow Christ and glorify Him with my words and actions. I'm a 27 year-old wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend. I work as a RN and love to spread compassion to those who are hurting both physically and spiritually.