 What is a joint injury?
Joint Replacement
Joint replacement is a surgical procedure in which parts of an arthritic or damaged joint are removed and replaced with a metal, plastic or ceramic device called a Prosthesis. The prosthesis is designed to replicate the movement of a normal, healthy joint.
Hip and knee replacements are the most commonly performed joint replacements, but replacement surgery can be performed on other joints, as well, including the ankle, wrist, shoulder, and elbow.
 When you need joint replacement surgery
A person who has injured or damaged his joint may experience extremely severe pain at the site of the joint.
In certain instances when:
• The pain is extremely severe, one may "avoid using the joint, weakening the muscles around the joint and making it even more difficult to move the joint".
• If you are joints are hurting you so much that it is difficult to climb up the stairs or even walk.
• Your other treatments and medication and injections do not give you rid of pain.
• Swelling in your knee is unbearable

 There are four main types of joint injuries:
Strains: occur when muscles and/or tendons are overextended
Sprains: injuries to ligaments that hold bones together
Fractures: breaks, chips or cracks in bones
Dislocations: separation of a bone its normal position at a joint
 Causes of joint injury

• Joint injuries can be the result of direct trauma, overuse, or repeated wear and tear.
• There are numerous reasons for joint pain. The conceivable causes will somewhat rely upon your age. The conceivable reasons for joint pain in kids are diverse to the conceivable foundations for grown-ups.
• The cause for joint pain might be self-evident, for example, following a sports injury. At different occasions it might require examinations and a referral for you to see a pro to discover the finding.
Joint pain may likewise be caused by various structures in or around the joint. The fundamental reason may in this manner be an issue with:
• The lining of the joint.
• The bones of the joint or near the joint.
• The tendons, ligaments or muscles around the joint.

 Symptoms of joint injury
Symptoms vary, depending on the type of joint injury you have:
Strain: pain, swelling, muscle spasms and difficulty moving the affected joint
Sprain: pain, swelling, bruising, difficulty with motion and (possibly) a popping sound at the time of injury
Fracture: swelling, loss of function in the injured area, pain that intensifies when you move or apply pressure to the injured area, or bone visibly poking out of your skin (in the case of an open fracture)
Dislocation: visible displacement of the joint, intense pain, swelling, discoloration, total immobility of the affected area
Symptoms and signs associated with joint pain can include:
joint redness, joint swelling, joint tenderness, joint warmth, limping, locking of the joint, loss of range of motion of the joint, stiffness, weakness.
For more details: http://www.kneeandjointsurgery.com/ or

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Anshu Sachdev is the best doctor for joint replacement.