If you have severe pain in your knee even when you're not putting weight on it, and your knee joint remains painful, stiff and immobilized despite medications and physiotherapy then you may benefit from a knee replacement surgery.

What is Knee Replacement?
Knee replacement (knee arthroplasty) is a surgical procedure in which the ends of the bones of the knee joint that have been damaged by arthritis are capped with artificial devices (implant). These artificial parts made of metal and plastic material are shaped to allow continued motion of the knee.

There are basically two ways to treat arthritic knee - partial knee replacement and total knee replacement.

In total knee replacement surgery, the damaged bone surfaces and cartilage are removed and replaced with implants, or prostheses. These artificial surfaces are attached to the bones using a special kind of cement and are designed so that the knee joint will move as freely as it used to when it was healthy.

Partial knee replacement is a less invasive surgery where the complete knee joint removal is not required. In this surgery, only the single damaged compartment of the knee joint is replaced, and the healthy cartilage and bone remain intact in the rest of the knee.

If you are suffering with chronic pain, progressive disability and restricted mobility in your knee arising out of degenerative arthritis then cost-effective Knee Replacement in Tijuana, Mexico is one of the viable options for you.

Like all surgeries, knee arthoplasty also carries risk of complications. The risks that may occur with replacement surgery and new knee joint include:
• Infections can sometimes occur with knee replacement surgery.
• Blood clots (thrombosis) in the veins of the legs or lungs (pulmonary embolism).
• Breathing problems after surgery.
• Cardiac attack or stroke during or after surgery.
• Nerve damage can occur on rare occasions.
• Poor wound healing. This is more likely for smokers, diabetics or people who have a weakened immune system.
• An allergic reaction to the metal used in a knee replacement.
• Loosening of your new joint and wear and tear of the moving parts of your new joint may occur over time.
• Misalignment is a rare complication associated with knee replacement surgery. Your leg with the replacement joint may be longer or shorter than your untreated leg.

After surgery, you're wheeled to your hospital room where you rest for a couple of days before going home. Knee replacement patients generally rest and rehab for up to six months before being able to return to their routine activities and work.

During hospital stay, your doctors and therapists will educate you about wound care, post-op diet and exercise. One of the most common questions asked by knee replacement patients is ‘How long does it take to return to work?’ Well, recovery time varies from patient to patient and job to job.

For instance, patients who work in a seated position, with limited walking or physical activity, can return to work in about 4-6 weeks following the surgery, while you may need three to four months to recover after the surgery if your job is very physically demanding.

Author's Bio: 

Neelam is a freelance writer. She writes for Websites providing guidance, information and support to people seeking affordable healthcare services abroad.