Removal of hair by laser is an medical procedure that makes use of an intense beam of light (laser) to eliminate unwanted hair.

In the process of laser hair removal the laser emits light which is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) within the hair. The energy of the light transforms into heat, which causes damage to the tubes-shaped sacs in the skin (hair hair follicles) which produce hair. The damage hinders or slows the growth of hair in the future.

Although laser hair removal retards growth of hair for prolonged periods, it typically does not cause permanent hair loss. Many laser hair removal treatments are required for the initial hair removal, but routine treatments could be required too. Hair removal using lasers is the most efficient for those with lighter skin and dark hair However, it can be used successfully on any skin type.

What's the reason for it?

Laser hair removal is a method to eliminate unwanted hair. The most frequent treatment areas are the armpits, legs, lips, upper lip, and that bikini line. It is possible to treat hair that is not wanted on any part of the body other than the eyelids or the area around it. Skin with tattoos shouldn't be treated.

Skin type and color affect the effectiveness of laser removal of hair. The principle behind this is that the pigment in the hair, not the skin's pigment is what absorbs the light. The laser should only damage the hair follicle and avoid any damage for the skin. So, a contrast in the color of skin and hair - dark skin and light hair can result in most effective results.

The risk of causing damage to the skin is higher when there is a lack of contrast between the hair and skin color. However, advances in the field of laser technology have provided laser hair removal as an alternative for those with darker skin. Laser hair removal is not as efficient for hair colors that aren't able to absorb light such as red, gray white, blond and gray. However, options for laser treatments for hair with light colors continue to be explored.


Risks of adverse effects differ depending on the type of skin hair color, type of hair as well as the treatment plan, and adhering to the post-treatment protocol and treatment. The most frequent negative side results associated with laser hair removal are:

Skin irritation. The appearance of redness, irritation and swelling can occur following the removal of hair with lasers. The signs and symptoms usually disappear in a matter of hours.

The pigment changes. Laser hair removal may cause lightening or darkening of the skin. These changes may be temporary or lasting. Skin lightening is most commonly affecting people who don't limit exposure to sunlight prior to or after treatment , and those with darker skin.

Sometimes, laser hair removal may cause crusting, blistering scarring, or other skin-related changes. Other possible side effects of laser hair removal include the graying of treated hair, or an excessive growth of hair around the treated areas, especially on skin with darker complexions.

Laser hair removal is not recommended for eyebrows, eyelids or the surrounding areas because of the risk of serious eye injuries.

How do you create

If you're considering treatment with lasers for hair loss, make sure you choose an expert who is certified by a board in a specialization like cosmetic or dermatology and has experience in removal of hair using lasers for the skin type you have. If you choose to have a physician assistant or licensed nurse is performing the procedure, ensure that the doctor is in charge and at the site during treatments. Beware of salons, spas or any other places that permit non-medical personnel to carry out treatments using lasers.

Before you undergo laser hair removal, make an appointment with your physician to determine if laser hair removal is the right treatment for you. The doctor is likely to perform the following procedures:

Examine all your medical information, such as any medication usage, the history of skin problems or scarring and any previous treatments for removing hair.

Discuss the risks, benefits and expectations, as well as the types of laser hair removal that lasers can be and won't do for you.

Photographs can be used for assessments before and after and for long-term assessments

In the initial consultation, you will discuss a treatment plan as well as the costs associated with it. Hair removal using laser is typically an expense that is out of pocket.

The doctor may also give specific directions for how to prepare for the laser procedure to remove hair. They could include:

Avoiding sun exposure. Follow the advice of your physician on avoiding exposure to sun before and following treatment. If you're out, you should apply SPF30 broad-spectrum sunscreen.

Lightening your skin. Avoid using any skin creams that cause darkening of your skin. The doctor may also recommend an anti-skin bleaching cream in case you've recently developed a light skin tone or a darker tan.

Do not use other methods to remove hair. Electrolysis, waxing, and plucking could cause hair follicles to be damaged and must be avoided for at least four weeks prior to treatment.

Avoiding blood thinners. Consult your physician about which medicines, like aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs to stay clear of prior to the procedure.

Shaving the area of treatment. It is recommended to trim and shave prior to the laser treatment. Hair is removed above the skin which could cause skin burns from burned hairs, yet it keeps the hair shaft intact beneath the surface.

What can you be prepared to

Laser hair removal typically requires between two and six treatments. The time between treatments will depend on the specific location. In areas where hair is growing rapidly like lips, treatment may be repeated every 4-8 weeks. For areas with slower growth of hair like the back, treatment may be done every 12 to 16 weeks.

In each session, you'll be wearing special glasses that shield eye protection from beam of laser. The assistant may trim the area again, if needed. The doctor may apply a topical anesthetic on your skin to alleviate any discomfort that may occur during the treatment.

During the process

The doctor will apply the instrument with a handheld laser onto the skin. Based on the type of laser used, an instrument with a cooling device at the instrument's edge or a gel with a cooling effect could be applied to protect your skin from sun damage and decrease the possibility of adverse side negative effects.

When a doctor activates this laser source, the beam will travel through your skin, reaching hair follicles. The heat generated by the laser beam causes damage to hair follicles that hinders the growth of hair. It is possible to feel discomfort like a hot pinprick and the sensation of cold due to the gel or cooling device.

Treatment of a small part like your upper lip may require only several minutes. The treatment of a bigger part, like the back, may take longer then an hour.

Following the procedure

There may be swelling and redness for the first few hours following removal by laser.

To ease the irritation, you can apply an ice pack directly to the affected area. If you suffer from an immediate reaction to your skin after the removal of hair by laser, the doctor may use steroid cream the area affected.

After hair removal by lasers and in between regular treatments, keep away from exposure to sunlight and avoid the sunbeds for six weeks, or as advised by your doctor. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen SPF30 every day.


Hairs don't fall out in a flash, aesthetic services but they will shed them over the course of days or weeks. This could look like continuous hair growth. The frequent treatments are needed because is lost and growth occurs in a cyclical manner, and laser treatments work best for hair follicles that are in the growth stage.

The outcomes vary widely and are hard to forecast. The majority of people experience hair loss that lasts for a few months and could continue for years. However, laser hair removal does not assure the removal of hair permanently. If hair grows back generally, it's smaller and lighter in shade.

You may require regular laser treatments to maintain hair loss.

What is the deal with lasers for home use?

Lasers that are used at home to remove hair are readily available. These devices might cause modest hair reduction. However, there aren't any huge studies to determine the effectiveness of these devices when compared to laser hair removal at a physician's office.

In addition it is worth noting that there is a reason that U.S. Food and Drug Administration is adamant that the home device for removing hair lasers decorative, not medical. This means they aren't subject to the same amount of examination like similar medical equipment. At present, there aren't extensive, long-term studies of how safe and effective these lasers at home are.

If you opt to use an at-home Laser hair-removing device make sure you follow the directions that come with the device to lower the risk of injury, particularly eye injuries.

Author's Bio: 

Sujit is a Digital markteter by profssion and bloggr by pasion. He likes to share the experience around the web. His blog is Blogsane