Liposuction is an effective cosmetic surgery procedure to remove excess body fat that is resistant to rigorous diets and exercises. It helps to reshape and sculpt your body. Liposuction procedure can treat fat deposits in all areas including the abdomen, breasts, arms, face, love handles, calves, and outer hips. If you are planning to undergo liposuction, you should also be aware of what to consider before and after your liposuction surgery.

Before Liposuction

  • Choose your plastic surgeon: To find out whether you are the right candidate for liposuction surgery, schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. Reliable websites can provide you information about established plastic surgery centers in your location. Make sure that the surgical center of your choice is AAAASF (American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities) accredited.
  • Initial consultation: Initial consultation with your plastic surgeon will help you get a clear idea about the treatment procedures. This is a great time to discuss your goals about the treatment. You may ask questions to evaluate your surgeon’s experience and qualification. The surgeon will examine your body to check your body type and will decide on the amount of fat that can be removed.
  • Your surgeon will also explain to you about the advanced laser liposuction procedures available such as Smartlipo Triplex and will choose the right option for you. You may ask for the before and after photos of the liposuction surgeries held there. This will give you an idea about the results you can expect.
  • Liposuction surgery: After consultation, your surgery will be scheduled. Reputable plastic surgery centers have well-equipped surgical facilities to provide maximum safety for the patients. Surgeons remove the excess fat via suction process. Tiny incisions are made that leaves hardly visible scars. An experienced plastic surgeon can perform this fat removal surgery with minimal risks and complications.

After Liposuction

Results: Liposuction treatment helps you achieve your aesthetic goals by providing long-lasting results such as:

- Improved body contour
- Improved health due to fat loss
- Improved self-confidence

  • Recovery Period: Your recovery period depends on the type of liposuction procedure undergone and the amount of fat removed. According to your physician’s advice, you may resume normal activities in a few days. Complication-free recovery is possible by following the instructions of your physician such as:

- Proper medication: In some cases medications such as painkillers or antibiotics are prescribed to speed up the healing process.

- Diets: Confirm with your surgeon whether you can resume normal diet immediately.

- Physical activities: In some cases, strenuous physical activities and exercises can be resumed only after a few weeks and in some others it may be a few days.

  • Monitor your Incisions: In case of any signs of infection, spreading redness or increased swelling, consult your physician immediately.

Liposuction surgery is a revolutionary procedure that can bring about remarkable aesthetic results if provided by the right surgeon at an advanced plastic surgery facility.

Author's Bio: 

A reputable plastic surgery center in the Houston city provides the advanced laser liposuction treatments for male and female patients. Our plastic surgeons provide personalized treatments considering the patient's body type, skin quality, and specific treatment goals.