Referrals. Businesses thrives so much easier with them. We ALL want them!

So why are so many in fear of asking for them? Because you are promoting YOU, it doesn't get any more personal than that!

I'm here to share with you that there is no reason not to ask for referrals it's not being pushy, desperate or sleazy.

So here is the thing, I'm all about walking my talk this year and being completely authentic and visible in everything that I do. That means sometimes doing a self-check on if I am doing just that! I haven't asked for referrals in a long time. I receive them; I just haven't asked.

Why are referrals so valuable to your business?
It's a win-win for everyone involved, and this is a must in my business!
It's the best advertising there is.
The trust is already there; this is huge.

When a referral comes to you, they've already been pre-sold on what you do.
So how can you go about asking for referrals on an ongoing basis and feel really good about it?

Well, there are a few easy to put in place techniques that you can use over and over again that will help you generate referrals in a comfortable, authentic way, that just feels good.
This may sound obvious, but it's by asking current clients that already work with you.
But, you need the secret sauce to making this happen and a win-win for everyone.

What is the secret sauce? Giving incredible value in all that you do, so that your customers are happy to share you with others.
And, the best part, is my clients can use these same strategies to build their business.

The vibration of goodness just gets bigger and bigger by working and helping each other grow. That's when the magic starts and that just feels good!

Value isn't always a money related thing. It's how you've helped them grow in their business, in their personal life. It's helping them work through limiting beliefs that are holding them back. If you are a health coach, it's about giving them their life back through being healthy. If you have a speaking service how did the speakers you brought together change the life of your clients?
YES, you are making a difference through the value you offer!

I want to give my clients so much value to help bring out their brilliance in their business that wealth and growth show up in all areas of their life. This is the Simply Wealthy way!

I also want to give my clients so much value that they can't help but share my services with others. I want that for you too!

I take the mindset that they are with me for a reason, and they can not afford to NOT work with me. A bit bold? Maybe. I bet your value list would be pretty empowering, if you ask your clients all the different ways in all areas of their life that you have made a difference.

Just keep in mind, value does not come in the form of overstuffing, over delivering your content, packages and training. That's another article as to the reason why this can happen.

So what are some easy ways you can build trust with your clients?
1.) Be genuine and actually care.
2.) Send them notes via snail mail, just because.
3.) Shoot them an email when you know they are experiencing challenges in their life.
4.) Celebrate their successes.
The list goes on and on!

How to ask for a referral from your trusting clients:
1.) The easiest way is to draw up an email and have your client send it out.
2.) You can use simple low cost affiliate systems (usually included in your shopping carts already!) for tracking for your bigger events and have emails, promo material easily available for them to share your services.
3.) Make it easy and just send them a note via mail or email saying that you want to share your success with them by gifting them for sharing what they already love with others.
4.) Share new things that are happening in your business and if there is someone that they know that needs your services, just virtually introduce the two of you. If it's the right fit, you will make sure that you take very good care of the refer-er and the person they referred!

Asking for referrals doesn't have to be difficult or even "me" driven. It's a win-win for everyone. Giving and receiving at its best! Many times your clients will have others asking them, "What are you doing?" and honestly they are more than happy to help you grow your business and share your services with their friends. Just knowing that without a doubt that their friend will be in good hands, makes them feel good.

Your Simply Wealthy Action Step: Go make someone feel good! Ask them to share you with their friends and make sure you celebrate by giving them an extra special thank you referral gift which can be a percentage, flat fee, a special downloadable template, a package - use your creativity, the possibilities are endless!

Put "asking for referrals" into your calendar, so you do it through out the year!

Author's Bio: 

Debra Larson is a Transformation & Wealth Coach, founder of Simply Wealthy by Debra. Debra, an award winning coach, empowers highly conscious women entrepreneurs around the world on how to turn their own true gifts, passions and purpose into a profitable, meaningful business thru simple, doable, yet result driven concepts and systems. She prides herself in helping her clients achieve transformational results by weaving timeless truths and Universal Laws with mastery marketing counsel, teaching on everything from mindset to marketing that assists you in growing yourself while empowering you to fulfill your life's purpose. You can find out more about Debra and get free tools, tips and steps to becoming simply wealthy in your business & in life at: