Two of the potential pitfalls of the 'Routine' stage of retirement are becoming set in your ways by having too rigid a routine and leaving no time or scope for fun and spontaneity in your life.

With that in mind, here are my top ten ideas for bringing more everyday 'adventures' into your life:

1. Start by being open to new ideas and opportunities. Look out for them. Write them down in a diary or journal so that they don't evaporate into the ether.

2. Do your very best to try something new every day... something small like trying a new drink or taking a different route home, or something bigger like jumping out of a plane or arranging a house swap with someone from another country.

3. The next time you're arranging a day out, ask someone else to plan it for you. Let them have control and just go with the flow.

4. For even more of an adventure, ask your grandkids to plan your day out with them. Let them be the leaders and make the decisions. The only time you're allowed to step in is if things get dangerous! See the world through their eyes...

5. Let something that you 'should' or are 'supposed to' do go and do something unexpected instead... Do the things no-one expects you to do! If you're always the one who gets up early and makes sure everything is ship-shape, stay in bed all morning and let them sort themselves out! If you're always the sensible one, suggest something crazy for a change. If you're used to luxury hotels, try a camping trip. Try a different way of being!

6. Go out and get purposefully lost. Just drive around with no destination in mind or follow a road until it ends. See where you end up. Now I KNOW I don't need to tell you this, but I'm just covering myself: Obviously you need to be more careful and have a bit of common sense about this one - you don't want to end up in a neighbourhood that's notorious for its drug deals, gang clashes and drive-by shootings!

7. Treat your city or town like a visitor would. Go to a different park, cafe, residential area or shopping centre. Go to that museum you haven't been to since the kids were small. See what's new. See who's there. Explore. See things from a different angle. (Again, exercise a bit of common sense and do your due diligence before visiting different parks and residential areas!)

8. Choose one of your senses and find something new to intrigue it - a piece of music by a new-to-you composer or artist. A just-released perfume or aftershave. A type of food that you've never eaten before. A film that you never would have chosen, normally. Next day, choose another sense to indulge...

9. Shake up the order in which you do things. If you usually start off your shower by washing your hair, wash your feet instead! Change your routine. Clean your teeth with the other hand. Shop at a different supermarket or shop your usual supermarket in reverse order. Have your hair done/cut at a different salon or barber.

10. If you're always in the habit of going places with another person in tow, go somewhere alone instead. Take a day trip and make the effort to meet some new people whilst you're out. Go to the cinema or for a meal by yourself. If that feels like too big a step, just go to a coffee shop but make eye contact with people and smile.

What are your best ideas for shaking things up and introducing more fun and spontaneity into your life? Inspire us by leaving your comments below...

Author's Bio: 

Ann Harrison is a certified retirement coach, 2young2retire facilitator, pre-retirement trainer and author of 'The Retirement Detox Programme: 40 Days to Get Your Retirement Back on Track' and 'Thought Provokers: Questions You Need to Ask Yourself BEFORE You Retire'. For regular retirement-related news updates, visit her blog at or catch up with her via her website: