The natural life cycle brings some powerful physical transformation points that also function as initiations into a new phase of consciousness. Coming of age, stepping into adulthood, child birth, and menopause are all doorways into another aspect of the self. These can seem like purely physical changes, but the physiological transformation that accompanies them are just as vital to the next phase of life.

Unlike our ancestors that lived in a closer relationship to the natural world, modern life gives us few clues as to how to navigate these life altering passages. Unless someone around you could explain what happens in a transformational initiation, you probably entered and made your way though without much guidance or support.

If you lived in a time or community that consciously engaged these life initiations, you would understand that these soul passages melt your former self down for you to emerge into an entirely new way of being. While knowing this might not make the passage any easier, at least you would know you weren't crazy and the people around you could support your journey in a way that was actually effective.

Instead of just being the rebelling teenager, the hormonal pregnant woman, or the unstable hot flashing menopausal manic, there could be support for the depth of inner physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual changes occurring. Knowing that all aspects of your former self will dissolve into a glob before you re-form into the you that will emerge from the chrysalis, helps in some strange way.

Consciously participating in the transformational process moves you from engaging it as a crisis to intentionally crafting the next version of yourself. At midlife an additional and powerful aspect of integration happens along this journey. Each individual thread of learning and knowing you've gathered in your life gets evaluated, sorted, and spun into a new creation during your time in the chrysalis. You begin to weave the threads of your life together into a tapestry of inner wisdom.

At midlife, Threads that seemed like separate streams of life, get woven together into a deeper matrix of wholeness. This weaving gives you a more stable awareness of your inner truth and the unique wisdom that is yours to carry. While the treads are the same as the previous individual strands, when woven together they create an entirely new fabric of expression for the next phase of life.

It would be empowering for young women to know that they won't simply be growing older with each passing year; but truly wiser. There will come a time when all of their experiences will merge into an awareness of life that has the capacity to significantly bring wisdom and creative expression into the world.

With this awareness, the passage of time and the portal of menopause and midlife takes on a deeper meaning. Grey hair and laugh lines symbolizing a vibrant wise woman, with a zest for life. The wisdom gained during the passage is a reason to mentor and assist others by being a supportive guide through their transformational journey.

Collectively we need the wisdom of the midlife woman. And, we need the women who've woven their tapestries to join together and to sew the individual patches of wisdom into an enormous quilt. And, create one large enough to wrap the world in the warm embrace of the wise woman.

Wrapped in this embrace of wisdom there is...

• support for creative pursuits.
• a place for feminine and masculine values.
• a world wide circle of wise women to go to for guidance.
• honor for your personal journey.
• a way to support those in need.
• a heart centered awareness for life.
• respect for nature and her guiding wisdom.
• value of the natural rhythms of life.

To take part in the global honoring of the wisdom of midlife women...

• find time to listen to those around you who carry this wisdom.
• ask what they have learned that could be of value to you.
• seek out women of various cultural backgrounds from which to learn.
• connect to the wise woman within and help bring her clarity out into the world.
• honor women when they are willing to share their teachings.
• appreciate the natural aging process while continuing to increase vibrancy.
• form circles of women so that women of all ages can learn from one another.
• find a midlife or older mentor to support your next passage.

To assist your own midlife journey and the development of your inner wisdom...

• be in silence some portion of your week to strengthen your inner guidance.
• spend ample time in nature to access the forces of creation.
• pay attention to the rhythms of nature to develop a deeper awareness of right timing.
• spend some time in the company of other women.
• allow space in your life to weave your inner treads into your wisdom tapestry.

And finally take the time to enjoy the wisdom of midlife.

Author's Bio: 

Nature's creation coach and author Lisa Michaels helps heart-centered entrepreneurs manifest, create and grow dynamically thriving businesses. Through products, workshops, and trainings, Lisa guides clients using nature’s elemental tools as the path to authentic purpose and leadership. As a celebrated elemental wisdom teacher and author, Lisa was chosen by the leading publisher Hay House as one of their 2010 Movers and Shakers. Lisa’s current products include her new books Prosperous Priestess Handbook, and Natural Rhythms, and the Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle and Elemental Forces of Creation Audio Book. Her products, workshops, and trainings have helped thousands of people discover their life purpose and successfully propel their personal and business lives forward.

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Lisa lives in the greater Atlanta, GA area, and is available to facilitate workshops worldwide.