Muscle testing or kinesiology is what we use as a testing mechanism that allows us to discern clear Yes or No answers directly from the person’s body intelligence. This is a wonderful way of rising above what you think and feel to get a clear answer from your field – which knows much more than your conscious mind.

How does this work? Every cell in your body has charge and polarity. When you are under stress – when a thought, feeling, action or question creates stress in your system – then slightly less energy flows through your cells and the indicator muscle goes weak. With a Yes answer, or if a response is strong for you, then the indicator muscle stays strong also. The best part is that you can test your entire system like this, not just what you consciously think, feel, believe or desire.

Now, muscle-testing is only accurate in the moment, and if you are 100% YOU. So it’s not appropriate for overly complex questions that primarily deal with the past or future. However, you can use muscle-testing for all sorts of yes/no questions. On the other hand, ‘why’ questions simply cause your inner bio-computers to hang.

When you start self-testing, go easy on yourself! Start with simple yes/no questions that you know the answers to, and move on to unimportant questions that you don’t know the answers to. When you are 100% comfortable with your own testing, then you can start answering more significant questions.

I advise my students to practice in supermarkets and Chinese restaurants. When you go to the supermarket, ask how many things you are supposed to buy. For each one, ask if it’s something to eat, drink or ‘other’. Then check which aisle it’s in, and walk down that aisle checking each side until you get a Yes. Similarly, when you are looking at a large menu, you can check which page the ideal dish is on, and then check down that page until you find what’s best for you to eat.

There are a number of ways to muscle-test yourself and others. We are going to look at four – the easiest ones to describe, in fact.

1. The Arm Lever Test
2. The Standing Test or Sway Test
3. The Finger Ring Test
4. The Flip Test

Some people use pendulums as a form of muscle-testing, but our experience is that this method is too easily influenced by the emotional and mental energies in or around the person using the pendulum. Therefore, we never use pendulums in Geotran human programming. For what we do recommend, keep reading!

Before attempting any of these techniques, make sure you are drinking enough water, preferably filtered or structured water. Lack of water will inhibit your muscle-testing, and so will demineralization. Electrical energy flows through minerals suspended in your bodily fluids, so check both of these factors if you have any challenges with your testing.

The first type of muscle testing is called the Arm Lever Test. This is probably the most popular technique, and has been widely adopted by chiropractors and alternative health practitioners.

The Arm Lever Test is performed by having the client hold out his/her arm straight out to the side at should level. The client’s only job is to hold up the arm as the practitioner pushes down on the wrist. This tests the deltoid muscle, which is the last muscle to switch off in the body.

The practitioner asks a question or touches a point on the body, then tests the indicator muscle. If the arm stays strong, the test result is true or ON; if the arm goes weak, it’s OFF or the test result is false.

So if the thought, feeling or answer is right or strengthening for the person, then more energy flows through the muscle and it stays up: that is a YES answer. If the thought, feeling or answer is incorrect or false, fractionally less energy flows through the arm, and it goes down easily, just like collapsing the leg on a bridge table. It’s best to have the client say Yes and test the indicator muscle, then say No and test the indicator muscle so that both client and practitioner can feel strong and weak responses.

The advantages of the Arm Lever Test are as follows:

1. It’s quick and easy to learn.
2. It usually gives clear results with minimal practice.
3. It’s a great demonstration technique for a group because it’s very clear if the arm is staying up or going down.

The disadvantages of the Arm Lever Test include:

1. It requires two people; it cannot be done on your own.
2. It takes a lot of energy and therefore puts strain on the client’s shoulder/arm. The arm can tire if too much pressure is used or the session goes on too long.

If the client gets tired, it can help if s/he tucks in the arm being tested (like a chicken wing). This still allows the deltoid to be tested while reducing strain on the shoulder.

Looking at further muscle-testing techniques, we will now examine the Standing Test, which is a great way of testing yourself without a practitioner. This also called the Sway Test, and almost anyone can do it without training or much practice. Doing this technique is like turning your entire body into a pendulum; if you do this test and feel your body tilting are being pushed forward, then that’s ON, Yes, strong, or the condition is true. If your body tilts backward, that means No, weak, off or the condition is false.

To do the Standing Test, stand up straight with your feet slightly apart but less than shoulders’ width apart. Make sure you are standing very tall, with straight knees, feet pointing forwards. (If your feet are pointing in or out, that will affect your reading.) Keep your head and shoulders straight while remaining comfortable and relaxed. Go for the feeling that your upper body and head are floating on top of your legs.

If possible, stand facing magnetic north in a balanced, neutral way. The standing test will give you an accurate result no matter which direction you are facing, but results are clearest if you face north.

To do this test, stand tall with your legs straight, shoulders and head held high, with toes pointing forward and say Yes. You should feel yourself tilting forward.

Bring yourself back upright, relaxed and balanced, and say No. You should feel yourself tilting backwards.

Some people feel themselves falling forwards or backwards; others feel it like a magnetic push or pull. Either one is fine.

The advantages of the Standing Test are as follows:

1. Nearly everyone can get accurate results right away with minimal practice.
2. This technique doesn’t require another person, so you can use it to test yourself anytime, anywhere.
3. It’s a great demonstration technique because the audience can easily see if the person is swaying backward or forward.

The disadvantage of the Standing Test is that:

1. This test cannot be used on people who have difficulty standing, although you can get reasonable results sitting straight in a chair.

As with any form of self-testing, start with simple yes/no questions that you know the answers to, then simple yes/no questions that you don’t know the answers to! As you get more confident in your technique, you can add in more sophisticated questions.

To be continued in Muscle Testing 2…

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Kyre Adept is a certified Geotran™ practitioner and instructor. Her practice ART of Integration is based in Santa Barbara, and she works with clients all over the world via phone and skype. For more information about individual sessions and/or classes in Germany, Austria and Croatia, contact Dr. Kyre at, or by email at