A natural pregnancy is when an embryo is conceived free of fertility drugs, medical intervention or IVF.

To fall pregnant naturally lots of chemical and physical transformations happen inside you.

For both partners backing up yourself naturally and in a holistic manner can mean falling pregnant naturally. A pregnancy is not be only the mother to be's responsibility and both parents to be can increase the chances of a natural pregnancy by following some simple guidelines.

For the male partner, drink and cigarettes can greatly decrease sperm count. The male parent can enhance the chances of a natural pregnancy by wearing non-constricting underwear as opposed to constricting underwear. Some research have don't think it matters, but if you consider it, it's more normal as the body regulates the temperature of the sperm which has to be kept cooler than the normal body temperature. It's a little thing that will have a huge impact and is easy to do. Reducing alcohol intake to a glass or two of wine per day will also assist to increase sperm count.

For the female monitoring the optimum time for conceiving is easy. You need to monitor the bodyies lowest temperature. Your basal temperature is usually reached during sleep. You need to measure your temperature precisely before you get out of bed each morning. When your morning temperature is higher than it has been previously it means you are just about to ovulate. And you can look at the thickness of your mucus. When the mucus is at it's most thick it's the optimum time of the month for a natural pregnancy to start.

Another trick to help with impregnating the egg naturally is to try various sexual positions, some ,like doggy style, for sperm to be left in the right spot near the cervix, the best place for a natural conception to occur.
Oriental medicine too includes plenty of recipes for helping a natural pregnancy to happen.

One example is the Pregnancy Miracle e-book that draws on this knowledge and demonstrates you how to eradicate childlessness forever and achieve a natural pregnancy.

Conception is a normal development that ought to take place with no external intervention. But sometimes we have to make changes to our life for this to happen. Many factors may have messed with our normal healthy state and infertility is our body letting us know that something's wrong. Happily there are ways to correct this speedily, easily and holistically.

Whatever natural pregnancy suggestions you follow, ensure you enjoy the journey. Keep in mind the result should be a babe to love regardless of it's a girl or boy. Listen to yourself and listen to it's advice.

And if you want to get help that has helped many men and women become mothers and fathers I can advise you look at the Pregnancy Miracle ebook, just visit my website for more information. http://www.naturalpregnancytoday.com

Author's Bio: 

Mom of two Vickie Mitchell who shares information on Natural Pregnancy at http://www.naturalpregnancytoday.com