The list of things never to do when seeking eating disorder help could fill a book. But a few of the key ones can be distilled into a short list. Here are two that will help you get the treatment you need.

Never Passively Accept A Bad Situation

Put a positive way, eating disorder ailments can always be cured.One of the toughest things about fighting anorexia or bulimia is the (mistaken) belief that you are 'trapped'. Anorexics often believe their condition isn't a disease, but a rational response to their circumstances. That's a form of denial that only makes that trap stronger.

Accepting that the behavior is unhealthy is the first step. The next step is crucial: understanding that "it doesn't have to be this way." Change is possible. In fact, while it's certainly difficult to change (especially at first) it is always possible. That's true whether your eating disorder started a year ago or 20 years ago.

Part of that healthy refusal to passively accept a bad situation is to believe you can find (and afford) a good treatment.

Not knowing where to start is one problem. That can be solved just by Googling "eating disorder help" and sifting through your local options. Talk to a local support group listed. Call a therapist and ask probing questions about her methods.

It's equally important to believe, because it's true, that you can afford the treatment you need to become healthy again. No matter what your economic situation, there is help out there you can afford.

Free clinics, local university research programs, long-term payment options, insurance... These and more all make if feasible to get the eating disorder help you need.

Never Passively Accept Expert Advice

In other words, question authority. Sure, you may be called "a rebellious teenager" already. Part of your actual problem may be refusing to listen to others' beliefs about your condition. But in matters of health there are all kinds of 'expert opinion' — ones often abandoned a year later.

How do you tell the good advice from the bad? How do you avoid being obstinate, yet not become so foolishly trusting you believe everything you're told?

There is a way out of that dilemma: personal research. Once you believe you can get better and actively seek help for your eating disorder, you can get started on learning. Read about your condition. Find support groups and 'test' them against common sense. Talk to potential therapists. You'll soon learn to sift sound advice from silly.

Paradoxically, one of the 'advantages' of an eating disorder is that it does not take long before you can see positive results. You can discover by experience very quickly what works for you and what doesn't. You can know firsthand, without special training, what is genuine eating disorder help and what is mere snake oil.

At first, your body (and your irrational beliefs built up over time) might send you misleading signals. But very soon, when a treatment is actually beneficial, you will see and feel the positive results. Common sense, bolstered by sincere study, is enough to know when you are on the right path.


Help for your eating disorder is at your fingertips. Use the Internet to get you started. You'll soon see that good treatments you can afford are all around you. Start by believing that you have options. Confirm that belief by seeing for yourself they exist.

Author's Bio: 

The above article is based on the book, "Winning Overeating" by Ofira Shaul. Ofira is a Naturopathy doctor .This experiential, self-development leader has devoted her life to finding the best natural way to obtain permanent weight loss while improving the total quality of your life. Her all-natural program does not require you to use any pills, count calories, or starve yourself.
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