Do you find yourself confused by the idea of a new earth? It is actually much simpler than you think. The confusion arises when we try to put such an unlimited existence into limited words and thoughts.

The new earth is not a place or location, since it exists beyond space and time. The old earth existed in the third dimension and exists in space and time. Whereas, the new earth exists in the fifth dimension and it is not limited by space and time.

In the old earth a blocked perception and lack of true understanding creates an illusionary experience which seems beyond control. The new earth is created by breaking down the illusion and understanding your true being. The new earth level of existence is one in which you consciously create your reality. You are in complete control, and you take full responsibility for everything in your life. In the new earth, life flows effortlessly and perfectly.

The new earth is basically the world created by spiritually awakened individuals. It is a “Heaven on Earth” or a “Utopia”.

Before the new earth can come into being, it must first be realized within. In order for something to manifest, it must first exist in the internal environment of an individual. It is not some exterior place, the new earth exists within you right now.

In the new earth there will be global peace, a sustainable environment, love consciousness, synchronicity, and no more negativity/worries.

“Our planet’s cataclysmic experiences are the masses “wake-up calls”, forcing us to individually turn inwards, and create a more sensitive, loving, and conscious approach to life. This deeper sensitivity has in turn awakened a new kind of human being inside all of us. A being who is attuned to the divine within, guided by their intuition, and enlightened by their own individual consciousness. As the world continues to wake us up, the number of enlightened beings will naturally multiply and collectively in time create a New World. This global enlightenment will create a foundation of peace for this planet for the first time in many millennia. Our planet is about to give birth to billions of heart-centered open-minded people, and nobody is going to miss this massive enlightening ride.” – Jafree Ozwald quoted from his contribution titled “The New World” to the “Future of the New Earth” E-Book

Author's Bio: 

Jason Randhawa, author of this article, has put together a compilation of “expert” opinions and interviews on different aspects of the New Earth Transformation. This book is called “The Future of the New Earth: A New Vision for Your Reality”. To learn how you can create and experience a new earth in your life, please check out the New Earth E-Book: