Some women have their breasts' size increased naturally from their body tissue, while others opt for breast implants for larger breasts and improved cleavage. fat transfer breast augmentation Singapore with a fat transfer may be the operation for you if you want to enjoy your natural breasts with a slight increase in breast size but without implants.
The most popular cosmetic procedure is breast augmentation, which has advanced over time. Many people think breast augmentation with implants is the only choice available, but that's the only one. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fat breast augmentation? Read on.
Pros of Fat Breast Augmentation

Below are some advantages of fat breast augmentation.

Reduction in Invasive Surgery

Breast augmentation with fat transfer is far less invasive than breast implants singapore surgery and requires only minor (4 mm) incisions. It is also a great option if you have sagging breasts. Despite requiring two procedures—liposuction and injecting the fat into the donor body— fat breast augmentation offers a quicker and faster recovery.
Small incisions used during liposuction minimize swelling, bruising, and scarring; nonetheless, you can experience some discomfort after the treatment as your body starts to heal. Injecting fat into the breasts during the fat transfer procedure leaves nearly no scarring and promotes a speedy and painless recovery.

Fuller and Natural Breasts

The procedure is also known as "natural breast augmentation surgery with fat transfer" because, in comparison to breast implants, the breasts feel and appear more natural after receiving injections of your own body's fat. This procedure is a great choice for you to think about if you don't like putting anything foreign in your body and want natural-looking, fuller breasts.

Minimal Complications

Breast augmentation using fat transfers has a better track record for safety and postoperative complications than breast augmentation with breast implants.
Women who have breast implants run the danger of developing illnesses such breast implant sickness, capsular contracture, and rupture. These implant-related hazards and pricey remedial treatments can be avoided if you opt for fat transfer during breast augmentation surgery.

Cons of Fat Breast Augmentation

Below are some cons of fat breast augmentation.

Uncertain Fat Survival Results

The surgery is meticulously carried out by a board-certified plastic surgeon, guaranteeing the highest fat survival rates when injected into the body. The survival rate of fat is typically between 50 and 70 percent, but some fat may be absorbed depending on how each person's body responds. You might experience less ideal augmentation as a result, and you might require more fat injections. The process might need to be repeated once or several times for this.

Cost and Limited Increase in Breast Size

A rise in breast size limited to roughly one cup may have some restrictions. Fat transfer surgery might not be the best choice for you if you want to significantly alter the volume of your breasts and develop a curved cleavage.
Not every applicant is the best candidate. If you are skinny, you might not be a suitable candidate for liposuction because there isn't enough fatty tissue available for the fat transfer procedure.

The total cost may be higher than breast implant surgery because you have two operations. If you decide to get a fat injection more than once, the cost may increase. Sagging, which, unlike breast implants, occurs with age, significant weight loss, pregnancy, etc., cannot be avoided following a fat transfer procedure.

Final Thoughts

Many women want their breasts to look fuller and firm but unfortunately, aging kicks against this plan most of the time. But thanks to the science of fat breast augmentation, women can get the breasts of their dreams without undergoing invasive surgery associated with implants. Are you interested in getting a fat breast transfer? Please visit us at to book a session.

Name: The Covette Clinic
Address: 22 Malacca St, Level 6 RB Capital Building, Singapore 048980
Phone: +65 6883 2318

Author's Bio: 

Terence Ho is a senior editor at he is a professional blogger and loves to write on topics related to health, wellness, healing therapy, chiropractic, and more