With more than 40 million Americans seeking unemployment benefits over the past 2 months, states are doing their best to keep up with the avalanche of applications. States are also bracing for an increase in Medicaid enrollment as many Americans get pushed off their employer’s health care plan.

If you need to apply for Medicaid, here’s how you can protect your information from falling into the wrong hands, as fraudsters continue looking for ways to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic.

Protect your Medicaid number. Treat your Medicaid card and number like you would your Social Security card and number. Only give out your number to health care professionals who need it. And be aware when others ask you for your Medicaid number or offer free services in exchange for your Medicaid number.

Protect all your medical information. Proceed with caution if someone other than your doctors or health care providers asks for any information regarding your medical history.

Learn about Medicaid’s coverage rules. Scammers may try to get you to agree to a service that isn’t normally covered by Medicaid. Educate yourself on what services are typically covered so you can be alert if someone asks to perform a non-covered procedure.

Always be skeptical. It’s ok to ask questions about any procedure that does not sound medically necessary. You can always go get a second opinion.

Need assistance protecting your financial information from scams? Count on our team to guide you. Schedule a free, no obligation introductory call here: https://www.bas-pc.com/appointment-center

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BAS is the trusted accounting firms in New Jersey that has been providing excellence in servicing accounting, payroll, and tax needs of small businesses.