Become the Chairperson of Your Children’s Board of Directors.

For immediate release:

By: Sandra Mills

Toronto, Ontario: Author and motivational speaker Paulet Biedermann gave a stellar performance at the Elia Middle School on Thursday May 10th. Biedermann was invited by the principal Mr. Yafeu to address the audience as a part of the annual Arts Night. Biedermann spoke to almost 400 parents, students, teachers, family members and guests. The theme, “Setting the Stage for Success: Developing the Winner in Your Child.” Her message was well received, as evident by the reception and standing ovation at the end of her presentation. Her presentation style was energetic, interactive, informative and eloquently delivered. She was able to not only capture the attention of the audience, but involved their participation throughout the presentation.

She identified some of the characteristics of a winner and encouraged her audience to foster these characteristics in their children: Authenticity, sound morals and values, good character, resilience, self responsibility and accountability, self leadership, self friendship and love, healthy self esteem, and the ability to focus and persevere. She reminded the audience of the importance of knowing who they are and loving and accepting the self. “Self alienation is one of the biggest contributors to self destruction in today’s society,” contends Biedermann. She reminded parents that they need not worry about self absorption and or the kids becoming egotistical as these are prerequisite for success in the society we live in today. It’s all a matter of degree. The opposite, self alienation which perpetuate the cycle of self defeat/ destruction, is not a viable option for our children.

Biedermann highlighted some strategies for promoting positive development in children. Parents need to apply the holistic approach when relating to their kids. They must view the children as a whole: physical, academic, social, health and most importantly, the mental/emotional component. She emphasized that extra attention should be paid to the emotional / mental component as this is often ignored and can mean the difference between success and failure in life. She further emphasized that parents must ensure that their children are connected to: home, community, school and peers. Additionally, they need caring friends and role models in their lives. These will provide support, mentorship and a sense of love and belonging. She also reinforced the importance of extracurricular activities of interest to the children to ensure equilibrium in the various aspect of the child’s life.

Biedermann who was the recipient of 2 awards earlier this year is a former psychotherapist, who has worked in the mental health field for over two decades. She is the author of the psychology/self help book, “Your Best You,” She stated that her formal education in mental health and the many years helping people to overcome obstacles and attain self actualization sets her apart from other motivational speakers. As one member of the audience commented, “This was an awesome presentation; it was simple and basic yet sent a powerful message. Her words made sense that we must take responsibility for our kids’ success in life. Think about it, if we don’t call the shots, who does? Is it the pimps, the drug dealers or the bullies? It’s up to us”. We need to hear a lot more of this kind of message as a lot of kids are taking lessons from the wrong people.”

Biedermann wrapped up her presentation by reminding the audience to believe in themselves and once that is attained, everything falls into place. She received standing ovation while the audience chanted to the phrase: “my best me, your best you, yes we will be”! She is scheduled to address graduates at convocation later this year and will be driving home this same message.

Author's Bio: 

Paulet Biedermann holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology from the University of Waterloo, a registered nursing degree from Conestoga College; a diploma in Advance Studies in Mental Health (psychotherapy and counseling) from Mt. Royal University, and a leadership/management certificate in nursing from McMaster. She is the author of the psychology/self development book, ‘Your Best You.’ The book has done very well since it was published last fall.

A published author, and motivational speaker, Biedermann is one of North America's most highly respected self-empowerment experts. What sets her apart from the rest is the fact that she has formal training and extended practical experience in the helping profession. She is devoted to the mission of helping individuals and especially women and youths to realize their full potential. This former psychotherapist and counselor spent many years teaching, guiding and training clients on attaining success . She works relentlessly to assist the masses, not only in a gainful employment capacity, but has volunteered in some thirty plus organizations over the years. A strong advocate, she is often considered to be the voice of the disadvantaged and marginalized whose voices are often not heard.

This award winning and benevolent humanitarian, works tirelessly in her quest to help others. She has utilized her skills to help individuals to become more self-confident, more self-aware and more self-reliant. Her mandate is simply to guide individuals to a more fulfilling and rewarding professional and personal life. She possesses an uncanny knack for guiding and motivating others to achieve extraordinary results. She not only energizes and motivates, but incites a kind of passion and enthusiasm that are necessary tools for successful self mastery, self management and ultimately success.