If you’re looking to save money you might think it a better option to write your business plan yourself. And in some cases this could work out perfectly well. Say for instance you’re looking to create a working document to ensure your financial targets for the year are on track and you’re wanting a route map to follow.

But if you’re looking to put together a compelling document to attract investors, bank lending or grant funding, then that’s another proposition altogether. You might be better off hiring a business consultant to write your business plan for you.

Here’s why.

A reputable business consultant will take the time to really understand what makes your business tick. He or she will often have had years of experience across many industries and business sectors and will know how best to present your case to the relevant parties to ensure the optimum chance of success.

Some consulting firms offer an online business plan service only, whereby you are required to fill out a questionnaire. Your business plan will be produced on the basis of your answers given. Additional research by your business plan writer may be required and the costs you should be clearly outlined from the beginning.

A more personal service still, is one where the business consultant visits you at your office or place of work. The consultant will gather the required information in person, as well as view your processes in action. Of course, this can be a tremendous advantage over the ‘remote’ option, as the business plan produced is likely to be more personal to your actual business, rather than a representation of that sector as a whole.

I employ an accountant to deal with my company’s financial planning, why would I need the services of a business plan writer?
A business consultant who specializes in creating business plans will very likely be aware of opportunities your accountant is not. It is also possible that they will unearth opportunities your accountant may have overlooked. Once your business plan advisor is aware of the primary purpose of the plan, he will write it with the likely reader in mind.

Readability is perhaps the most important factor when it comes to writing a business plan. If your plan is too complicated, or full of jargon, this can off-putting to the reader and you are at an immediate disadvantage.

Employing a business consultant to write your business plan can be a wise investment, because it can also act as a viability check of your business objectives and future plans. It’s often helpful to have a fresh insight into your business’s workings from someone who can view your business in a detached way.

Author's Bio: 

Chris Jenkinson is a business consultant providing business support and marketing to business owners.