Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ available on Apple…

I found this so incredible and felt compelled to share it, which happened 230,000,000 years and so here goes: Besides changes in animal and plant life happening suddenly, the existence of vast forests of ferns one hundred feet high and the peculiar trees of those days, silent forests, not a sound was heard, not even the rustle of a leaf, for such trees had no leaves. Despite the strangeness of this plant life, our atmosphere became enriched with oxygen, all taking place 230,000,000 years ago.
It reminds me so much of my second near-death experience, which I’ve already mentioned about walking through the shadow of trees. I saw these shadows on the ground. I never looked up! The only sound I heard was being pulled through a tunnel which took me back inside my human body.

(In Memory of Dad)
Quote: Think like a man of action and like a man of thought. Henri Bergson

Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ available on Apple…

Author's Bio: 

Sharon Beecroft Brown has had unusual encounters with the paranormal, which she knows was prompted by having three near-death experiences. She is a Christian and avid reader of the Book of Urantia. Check out her author site at