In a blue moon, dry mouth is experienced for many. The causes of dry mouth are dehydration, drinking more than one beer and very simply by sleeping with an open mouth.
Unluckily, the chronic problem is dry mouth and this problem has a distressing affect on their daily life by Dentist Burnaby Metrotown . In addition to this, it will reduce the confidence of the people in some of the social situations and speaking as well as eating in the public places is quite difficult.
Dry Mouth is one of the common problems related to the health. To help in understanding the problem of dry mouth in-depth, there are some of the conditions and the best advice for the management of the same.
Some facts about the dry mouth:
1) Dry Mouth is also known as “Xerostomia” according to Dentist Burnaby Metrotown. It is a condition under which the flow of saliva gets affected due to which it feels dry.
2) Your mouth will work properly if you have enough saliva that needs. It moist the mouth and help in breaking down the food within mouth. It is also helpful to swallow. For the mouth, saliva acts as a cleanser. It will continuously clean your mouth and alongside, fighting against the decay of tooth and also help the teeth clean.
3) The taste of food also affected by the fewer amounts of saliva and it becomes harder to chew the hard food. It causes bad breath and affects the speech.
4) It is the worst feeling at night having a dry mouth. The mouth produces less saliva at the time of night.
5) It makes your mouth sore. Moreover, the tooth decay and the disease of gums is a high risk that can be caused by the dry mouth.

The condition of medical can be a result of dry mouth in most of the cases.

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The condition of medical can be a result of dry mouth in most of the cases.