Lets play a game, Success; Fact or Myth to find out what you really think and believe.

This game will test your beliefs about success, it will reveal your mindset about achieving your goals. What you discover may surprise you. You may even uncover the ways your hidden perceptions are sabotaging your joy and prosperity!

Success is a space in which we all wish to dwell.

Fact. Each of us may have various methods to measure our success that is governed by our personal goals, expectations and value system.

It is very difficult to achieve success.

Myth. Do not allow this misconception to dismay you from pursuing your hopes and dreams. Of course, you will experience challenges and barriers on your quest to success. However, many hardships can be alleviated with research, planning and collaboration.

Anyone can achieve success.

Fact. Absolutely! Anyone an achieve relative success. If you have your mind set on being more; doing more; having more; and giving more – you can and will be successful. Your measure of success is determined by you for you. Add to your goals, belief and action; you will find yourself experiencing the fulfillment of life.
The Key to Success; Planning, Execution & Belief

There is a quick short-cut to success.

Fact.There may be schemes and tactics that will bring forth immediate success and gratification. This is entirely possible if you are in the right place at the right time. Depending on the market and if what you are supplying what is currently in demand, you may find yourself financially successful early on in your endeavor. However, if you have not learned or researched the dynamics of your service or product you may find your success is short lived. True success is process. It requires understanding of the complexity of achieving and sustaining positive results. You must learn how to manage your success and ensure that you remain relevant in order to enjoy long term returns.

Success is based on luck and chance.

Myth. Success is a process that moves forward in phases. The stages in the process of the change and development of your business is not dependent on chance or lottery. Learning the steps and executing the plans to move through those phases will ultimately bring forth success. However, I will note that often it appears to luck when your preparedness meets opportunity but it is not luck - it's just what it is, you were ready when what you needed was presented to you.
The Truth About Success

Beginning with the basics, there are 6 phases to success and higher achievement. Regardless the goal, passion or desire – to obtain either you must build your success upon the following foundation:

1. The Decision – making a choice about what you want & what you don’t want

2. Clarity – developing the vision and be able to see you achieving it

3. Focus – establishing a plan as your center of your interest and activity

4. Commitment – pledging and dedicating yourself and viable resources

5. Belief – maintaining faith, trust, conviction and confidence in yourself and your business

6. Action – continuous movement through the steps and phases to perform the tasks necessary to realize your success

7, Determination - firm intention to achieve what you want and not allowing interferences to change your mind

8. Persistence - remaining steadfast to pursue your dreams when everything around you tells you to give up

9.. Faith - an unwavering belief and trust that everything will resolve for the highest good for all concerned; the knowing you will prevail

10. Ingenuity - the ability to reinvent yourself and evolve your business to stay relevant, competitive, produce & provide excellence

What have your beliefs been saying to you? Are you neglecting your desires and dreams because of your fallacies about success? If you would like to learn more about the phases necessary for success you need you Change Your Mind=Change Your Life.

Leave your comments below and share some of your limiting beliefs and how you defeated them OR share your advice to others who may be struggling in this area.

In awareness, joy, passion & achievement,

Author's Bio: 

I am an entrepreneur, trainer and transformational coach. I am a certified expert in the field of leadership and personal development. I am the founder of Ten Faces of She, a company that specializes in training female entrepreneurs, executives, and business leaders to achieve their highest potential. I am a writer and creator of specialized training catalog for self-mastery, leadership and business. andreacallahan.com