Getting your home ready for warm weather means taking action both inside and out. As the summer months approach, you'll probably want to spend more time enjoying the outdoor areas of your home, and you'll be looking to your indoor spaces for respite from the heat. However, if you don’t prepare your home, you may not be able to get as much enjoyment out of your yard or you may find that your home’s cooling system isn’t working as well as it should. Here are five things to do now so that you'll be ready when things heat up.

Inspect Your Home's Exterior

Winter weather can damage your home, so take time to inspect your roof for cracked or missing shingles, especially if you had snow or ice over the winter. Also, look for rusted flashing, failed caulk, or mortar that needs to be replaced. You should also look for as well as any signs of water damage. It's also a good time to clean the gutters, check for peeling paint, and clean your siding too.

Get Ready for Outdoor Fun

It's time to drag the barbecue grill and any portable outdoor game equipment or furniture from its winter storage and make sure it's in good condition. It's also your first opportunity of the season to make sure deck and patio surfaces are clean and in good condition. Before you let the children use the yard, make sure play equipment is stable and safe.

Check Outdoor Plumbing

Most homes have outdoor faucets that are covered in the winter, and some have a sprinkler system that's turned off and drained as well. After the last chance of freezing overnight temperatures, restore water to outdoor plumbing, uncover it, and check for damage. If there's a problem, it will be easier to get a plumber early in the season than later when everyone else has noticed their damage too.

Inspect Your HVAC System

While you can examine your HVAC system yourself, the beginning of warm weather is a good time to have a heating and air conditioner company inspect your equipment. HVAC companies often have preseason specials and can make sure electrical connections are secure, check parts that commonly fail, and clean away winter debris on outside units. It's also a good time to change the filters throughout your home.

Clean Windows

The world is brighter in warm weather when the sun is high in the sky. You'll enjoy your time inside during sunny weather more if your windows are clean. As you wash away winter grime, check windows and screens for damage. You may want to wash or change window treatments too. If you notice any cracks around window frames, use caulk to fill them. This will help prevent cool air from escaping your home during hot months.

Preparing your home for warm weather is an important way to limit the effect and expense of any winter damage and get your home ready to be used differently during the upcoming months. It's also a symbolic step signaling that it's time to come out of your winter hibernation and enjoy the new season.

Author's Bio: 

Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University and now enjoys writing about health, business, and family. A mother of two wonderful children, she loves traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. You can find her on Twitter @anitaginsburg.