The vitamin B complex contains essential nutrients for the body's function. But because the body can't synthesize these vitamins on its own, they must be obtained through other sources. Those sources include certain food products as well as supplements like super B complex.

Understandably, some people are leery about taking supplemental vitamins. If you're among them, here are a few pros and cons of super B complex to help you make a more informed decision.

What are B complex supplements?

In addition to B12, there are a number of other B vitamins, each of which plays an important physiological role in body function. A B complex supplement, such as super B complex, contains the ideal balance and combination of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12.

Benefits of Super B Complex

There are a surprising number of health advantages to taking the right super B complex supplement. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Improved digestive function
  • Healthier nervous and neural systems
  • Reduced stress and depression
  • Improved condition of the hair, nails, and skin
  • Reduced levels of bad cholesterol and increased levels of good cholesterol
  • Alleviates stiff or painful joints

Super B complex is also highly beneficial for pregnant women (when taken in proper doses and under the direction of a physician) because it aids in healthy fetal development.

Disadvantages of Super B Complex

Of course, as with any type of supplement, there are a few side effects that can occur upon taking super B complex. These side effects are minimal and relatively uncommon, but may include:

  • Upset stomach
  • A headache
  • Unusual or unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Digestive issues, such as bloating or diarrhea

Those who are allergic to vitamin B complex might experience some of the common signs of an allergic reaction, including hives, difficulty breathing and swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat.

The good news is, if taken as directed, super B complex rarely causes any serious side effects.

Super B Complex Interactions

Unless instructed by a physician to do so, avoid taking more than one multivitamin at a time. Taking multiple similar vitamin products together can result in vitamin overdose and other serious side effects.

There are also certain food and food products that may cause adverse reactions in someone who is taking super B complex. For instance, the supplement shouldn't be taken with milk or other dairy products. Likewise, any foods, products or supplements containing calcium should also be avoided, as calcium can make it more difficult for the body to absorb certain components of the multivitamin.

Multivitamins such as super B complex can also interact with certain medications and affect how they work in the body. If you are taking any of the following, you should consult with a doctor before taking super B complex:

  • Antacids
  • Antibiotics
  • Heart or blood pressure medications
  • Tretinoin or isotretinoin
  • Diuretics
  • Sulfa drugs
  • NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and others)

To get the most out of your super B complex and avoid any potential adverse side effects or interactions, consult with your doctor. He or she can provide the guidance you need to live a healthier, more balanced life.

Author's Bio: 

Maqsood Rahman is the Founder of, the best SEO services provider company in Bangladesh. He is addicted to technology and media trends and helps other companies with content strategies.