I was betraying my values and self-worth every day by
choosing situations that I knew weren’t right for me.The old friend and I got
stuck in a crazy power dynamic that led to her betraying me (kicking me out of
the house), claiming that I had betrayed her. The two different friends I was
working for took advantage of my willingness to give away my power and began
expecting me to work for free or, in one case, have a relationship with her. I
left both situations, and what do you know—both women felt betrayed by me!


It was an uncomfortable time, and I had the opportunity to
look hard at my part in co-creating these situations and figuring out how to
start again. When I understood how my self-betrayal had been mirrored in the
actions of others, it was a light bulb moment. My life changed once I started
honoring myself and taking back my power. The difficult people literally
disappeared—and I stopped drawing the Ten.


The great thing about the Ten is that if you take the time
to look at how and where it’s showing up in your life, you can turbocharge your
personal growth by owning how your own mental patterns are taking you down. This
card can mean that the end of a challenging situation is near, that the horizon
will clear, and that the death of some ideas or aspects of your life will yield
something new.


Now when I draw the Ten, I’m quick to check in with my
mental constructs in whatever area the card is indicating. Is something over? Is
it time to move on? Am I self-betraying, killing myself off with a critical
voice or fear? The Ten helps us be aware—sometimes, though not always, through
hardship—of just how we are limiting our own existence. Eighty percent of the
time, it’s a warning to heed rather than a harbinger of doom. It’s the Universe
saying—hey, take a look at your thoughts and what you are creating.


I would have loved to have a helpful
Tarot guide support me through
this time and help me understand the Ten. The best thing to do if you are facing
challenges or drawing cards you don’t understand is to get a professional
reading. Even if it’s just a short chat session, you can feel supported and get
the clarity to help you move forward. The “scary” cards don’t have to be bad;
sometimes, they are the biggest helpers in the deck.

Author's Bio: 

Jackie Williams has worked for as a manager overlooking the talent department for a prominent new age communications company. Later as the internet developed, she diversified her recruitment specialty to server global clients for a internet based spiritual network.
She attained her Master of Arts in Anthropology from Northern Arizona University and her BA from Hunter College.