Not surprisingly, many people experience unusual stomach noises but simply ignore them. However, these can actually be a symptom of a variety of health conditions that can include bowel bacterial overgrowth, irritable bowel syndrome, sugar malabsorption and more. There is now an exciting and innovative new tool that you can get on the Internet, they can help you to diagnose your stomach noises, allergies and much more, all by your breath. Hydrogen/methane breath tests are noninvasive, whereas gastroscopies, biopsies and blood tests are. The simple breath tests can assist you in diagnosing conditions that need to be medically treated. In this way, you can actually improve the quality of life that you are currently experiencing.

These breath tests are available for a number of issues, including symptoms such as stomach noises, which is often referred to as a sugar allergy. These breath tests simply read your breath samples, in order to measure the changes in the methane and/or hydrogen content of your breath. There are a number of tests that you can take, which are lactulose, lactose, fructose, glucose and sorbitol. Lactulose tests are used in order to assess the duration of your breath monitoring in subsequent tests. They can also be used to assess your level of hydrogen as well as methane production, in order to cross-reference them with other sugar tests. Lactulose tests are also beneficial in evaluating any bacterial overgrowth in your bowels.

Lactose tests are primarily used in order to decipher if you have lactose malabsorption, which is more commonly called lactose intolerance. If your bowels do not have enough active enzymes in order to divide the lactose, you can actually cause a number of issues, including bloating, stomach noises, headaches, lethargy, diarrhea and bad smelling flatulence. Similarly, the fructose test is used in the same manner, and anyone who has a fructose malabsorption issue, will also experience much the same systems as those who are lactose intolerant.

A glucose test is most often used to decipher if you suffer from small intestine bacterial overgrowth. If this is the case, you will need to take two tests, which is lactulose followed by the glucose test. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth occurs when the bacterium in your small intestine is too high, and the lactose and/or fructose are not being absorbed into your body. This excess bacterium can actually migrate into your small intestine, creating similar symptoms as other types of sugar allergy. Finally, the sorbitol test is extremely important sugar allergy to test for, because about 90% of the healthy population suffers from sorbitol malabsorption. In addition, there is a very high percentage of those that suffer with irritable bowel syndrome that also suffer from sorbitol malabsorption. Because sorbitol is commonly found in a variety of fruit and many different sugar-free products, it can be more difficult to avoid sorbitol. For this reason, you want to test for this type of sugar allergy to ensure that you maintain your health for a long, active and enjoyable life.

Author's Bio: 

I heard some weird stomach noises the other week. Upon further testing it turns out that I have a sugar allergy, so I've started cutting them from my meals.