The key to being a successful entrepreneur is providing valuable goods or services to your target market.

This can only be achieved however when you market your business on a consistent basis. And no one else can market your business like YOU!

What I see many entrepreneurs doing is getting caught up in all the other tasks of running a business…

Some of the most ineffective use of our time is focusing on non-money generating activities such as administrative duties, bookkeeping and website maintenance. Although knowing what your books are saying is extremely important, doing them yourself is NOT!

Another trap many growing business owners fall into is that of doing simple tasks that can easily be delegated to others who in turn are faster than you and free up your time to focus on the Fab 4…

The Fab 4 are those things that quantifiably move your business forward … faster! And when things are running smoother in your biz…things tend to run smoother in your home as well. Why? Because the pressure is off!

The 4 things every successful entrepreneur should focus their time on are:

1. Planning

Where are you going and how the heck do you plan on getting there? Without a destination a road map is just a piece of paper!

2. Marketing

You won’t have customers and clients unless people know you’re out there! Having a consistent plan for marketing your goods and services is crucial! Consistent marketing yields consistent growth!

3. Billable Hours

This is the actual money maker here! This is the time you are actively working with clients sharing your value and unique brilliance in the world.

4. Networking

I am a firm believer in the power of building long term business relationships. Your relationships will grow with you and your business. And the best of relationships will follow you through your growth and achievements too! Nothing beats a good solid network of professionals who love what you do and are willing to support you along the way.

Delegating is a necessary skill that each of us needs to learn and improve upon. Delegation is a muscle that is very weak until you start using it! The more you use it, the stronger you are at it… and the faster implementation and growth can occur within your biz making for a happier and more fulfilled life…

Often we spend 80% of our time spent on routine daily tasks, but it’s 20% of activities that actually bring in the business…

In order to bring in more business, focus more and more of your time on the Fab 4…

Ask yourself this simple question:

Are you valuing YOUR time?

Author's Bio: 

A skilled, “multi-tasking” mother of four, Kellyann Schaefer is owner of Task Complete℠, a personal errand and concierge service. Kelly made a career in nursing for many years as an RN. During her tenure as a nurse, she honed her organizational skills and became adept at balancing a busy household while administering compassionate care to her patients. In business today, she upholds a mission of giving families and busy professionals reliable and compassionate assistance so they can meet the demands of everyday life.