Snoring might not be bothersome to you, but to your partner or roommate, your snorts and moans in the night are certainly more than a minor nuisance. Snoring may interrupt your sleep or otherwise force you to wake up in the middle of the night.

Snoring doesn’t sound very life-threatening at first, but when you take a look at the close ties snoring has with sleep apnea, you may want to reconsider your stance on this simple symptom.

Many people purchase mouthpieces like ZQuiet to help them combat snoring, and in some cases, this will do the trick. However, if snoring isn’t stopped by a product like this, then we urge everyone to consider the troubling connections between snoring and sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea Explained

Snoring, in and of itself, is a relatively harmless condition. While it is not great for the airways in the long-term to be constrained, sleep apnea and similar conditions pose a greater threat, which is in-turn proliferated by snoring.

Simply put, sleep apnea is when your body will stop breathing in the night. This moment is often brief, and you will return to normal breathing once the pause is over, but over time, this starting and stopping of the body’s air supplies can pose serious threats.

Prolonged sleep apnea has been linked to symptoms like fatigue and insomnia all the way out to mood swings, weight gain, and yes—snoring. These secondary symptoms are what can help you make the connection between your snoring habit and an issue with sleep apnea.

Developing sleep apnea and having it over an extended period of time is when problems become even worse. The following conditions, as identified by the National Institutes of Health
, can stem from sleep apnea:

● Diabetes
● Cognitive Dysfunction
● Behavioral Disorders
● Heart Diseas
● Heart Attacks
● Cancer

Tackling snoring is important to avoid the terrible grip of sleep apnea. And luckily enough, there are several solutions we had in mind.

Stopping Sleep Apnea

The first recommendation for anyone dealing with sleep apnea is to lose weight.

Weight has been connected to an increased risk of snoring, which in and of itself is a precursor to sleep apnea. A reduced weight will also enable you to live your best life and cut out unhealthy habit.

Plus, weight los will reduce fat deposits near the throat, further reducing the risk of developing a problem.

If you need a little help with weight los and want to reduce your sleep apnea symptoms, why not start up a more consistent sleep schedule?

Millions of Americans get either too little sleep or not enough sleep, and sleep at irregular intervals. Getting in your beauty rest is important for more than baggy eyes. Regular rest can even lead to better muscle definition and, of course, weight los.

To sleep better, we recommend going to bed at the same time each night and eliminating screens from the bedroom. This will enable you to sleep soundly and deeply at the right time, and at a moment’s notice.

Getting The Right Mattress

Aside from weight loss, nutritional considerations, and regular sleep, one of the best things you can do to reduce sleep apnea is to get the right mattress.

mattress support for sleep apnea

means that you can effectively get in the right amount of rest with a bed that isn’t going to prod you with springs or pressure points.

Modern beds made of memory foam are designed to evenly isolate movement from others in the bed, such as a partner, as well as prevent hot spots that can reduce the quality of your sleep.

Do you remember the last time you replaced your mattress? If not, it may be time to check in to see what the current market has to offer you. Chances are high that there is a mattress out there for you that will balance sleep apnea control, comfort, temperature, and other factors.
Final Thoughts
It’s clear to us that the connection between snoring and sleep apnea is great. Likewise, we know that allowing snoring to continue can put us at risk of continuing to develop symptoms and conditions that place our hearts at risk.

With the right mattress, mouthpiece, and lifestyle, you can eliminate the issue of snoring—and sleep apnea—all together. All you need to do is start trying.

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