One cannot stress enough on how important strong and effective leadership skills are in an organization. Any corporate office is as strong, or as weak, as the leader at the helm of the team. It is in the hands of a team leader or manager to drive its members towards a common goal and make sure that every single person achieve an optimum level of perfection in their work.

While the team leader is responsible for training the members on how to perform as a team and work in tandem, it is also important to train the team leader on how to establish and hone leadership skills. After all, a confident and motivated team leader will pass on his enthusiasm and vision to the whole team!

The qualities of a leader

When thinking of leadership qualities, we often think of successful people with charismatic qualities, and wonder if we can posses such qualities. The answer is yes, we all have leadership qualities, but most of us are unable to tap them and harness them to gain results.

The key role of a leader is to manage the team, delegate work, set objectives to be achieved, and keep them motivated. In short, the job of a leader is to drive the team towards success.

Leadership development programs

A number of leadership training program providers design effective programs that bring out the leader in everyone. It is based on the theory that leadership is not the quality of a select few. Any person, willing to bring forth the best in himself and others can become a successful leader.

Leadership training activities aim at boosting the confidence and morale of the team leader, as well as helping the team function better together.

Team alignment is a major factor that team leaders need to learn. For the team to function as a single entity, it is important that each member is working towards the same goal. Setting a common objective and directing people towards it is a difficult task for any team leader. Leadership development programs like Lego Serious Play is an efficient and fun way to make each member of the team understand that the best way to function as a team is to follow the leader.

Another fun leadership training activity can be the Rafting challenge. As the teams face and conquer the raging tides, they learn vital lessons in strategizing, adapting to change, using the resources, and most importantly, learn that together as a force they can overcome every obstacle. In this challenge, the leader has to take charge and regulate the team in an organized way.

Author's Bio: 

Arun Rao is a corporate trainer in reputed company and who writes on numerous topics including Team Building Activities, Sales training, Innovation training & Induction Training, to name a few.