Regular physical exercise involves much more than aesthetics. It contributes to physical well-being, mental health, good functioning of the heart, blood circulation, breathing and even hormones.

Even knowing this, it is not always easy to find time or even motivation to maintain regular physical exercise. For this reason, we have prepared this text which, in addition to talking about the importance of exercise, will also bring some tips on how to motivate yourself to do them.

Come on?

1 - The importance of exercising

Scholars point out that physically active people have a lower risk of developing mental problems than sedentary individuals, in addition the activity is full of beneficial effects in the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure, cardiovascular system, elevated cholesterol, diabetes and obesity.

Physical exercise is also excellent on a psychological level, even having an antidepressant effect. Some research has proven that it reduces anxiety, decreases stress and also increases self-confidence.

Therefore, physical exercises can be practiced by individuals of different ages, since even walking, which is a lighter activity to be practiced, brings improvements not only aesthetic, but also conditioning for the practitioner.

2 - How to prepare to perform exercises?

First, before practicing any physical activity, it is essential to consult a doctor and perform laboratory tests that confirm that the individual is able to exercise, with no risk to the health of the practitioner.

This is because when we start any type of physical education, our physical conditioning is not the same as that of someone who does it periodically.

We can find different types of exercises: aerobic exercise, yoga, crossfit, weight training and even sports.  

3 - Achieving good results with exercise

To achieve expressive results from the practice of physical exercises it is very important to maintain a balanced diet . Adopting a wide variety of foods is very important. In addition, it helps in strengthening the immune system.

Include the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins (meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, cheeses and yogurts) and foods rich in good fats (nuts, nuts, fish, olive oil) and low consumption of foods rich in sugars and fats. Maintaining a balanced diet should be on your radar to contribute to the positive results of exercise for the body.

4 - Tips to motivate yourself in exercising

Physical exercise can be enjoyable and need not be tedious. Some combinations can make exercising a lot more pleasurable than you think. Some of them you can do from anywhere:

  • Find a sport that you are happy to do: how many times do we see people starting a gym or running and not being able to continue that sport for more than a month? It is very important to find an activity that you enjoy doing, so that it is not just an obligation, but becomes a true ally in your day-to-day, bringing pleasure during your practice. Even going up and down stairs in your building or home, you are already exercising;


  • Try to exercise with a friend. with the hustle and bustle of everyday life it is common some days to beat that discouragement and lack of desire to exercise, but when you have a friend together to give that strength things get easier, right ?;


  • Perform group activities: p participating in a group can be very beneficial in motivating the individual. In addition to making new friends, you have an extra dose of encouragement when you don't see yourself practicing a certain sport;


  • Set a goal: with a clear goal it becomes easier to stay focused on exercise. Establish where you want to go and strive to achieve your goal;


Remember the post-workout feeling: it is no better than finishing a workout and feeling good about having completed that step, there is always that part of the body that we want to define. Focus, mentalize and imagine the result;

Author's Bio: 

Thriller Author | Craftsman | Entrepreneur | Recovering Neuroscientist | Shaves Head with a Safety Razor and Drinks Black Coffee | Love to write on new things.