More and more people have heard of the Law of Attraction, often called The Secret.

The law of attraction is one of the universal laws. Universal laws are spiritual laws that work much like physical laws work in our physical world.

Take for example the law of gravity. The law of gravity applies to every one of us, everywhere in the world. If you drop something it falls, whether you are in the US or China, at the top of a hill or inside a cave.

There are many physical laws that run our universe and there are also many spiritual laws that govern how things work in our lives.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction says, "That which is like unto itself is drawn", often stated as "like attracts like".

What does that mean?

Consciously or unconsciously, we create the life we live by drawing to us situations, events and people. We are constantly sending out signals of our desires by the words we choose and the thoughts we think. The universe answers and what we desire is given. It is law.

If that is so, we would think then that each of use should be living the life of our dreams. After all, who wants financial worries or relationship issues?

Well there is a key to the law of attraction. Although it works in all situations at all times, like the physical laws of the universe, the law of attraction does not just bring to us what we say we want. We draw to ourselves situations and events based on what we are thinking, both consciously and unconsciously.

How to Manifest Your Life

What that means is that we can't just think "Boy, do I need more money" and expect it to show up. You need to be a vibrational match to that which you are asking for. So if you are asking for money in your life but your primary feelings are feelings of lack of money, no extra money shows up. What shows up is more lack of money, the match to your feelings of not enough money.

To create a situation of more money you have to be in vibrational harmony with more money. That's the little catch that proves difficult for most of us. You basically have to become a vibrational match to something you are not feeling yet - I've got more money.

Here are some tips for becoming more in vibrational attunement with your desires:

Think Positively

We often don't realize how negative our thinking is. We put ourselves down and think negatively of our current situation. Realize that by thinking more positively you are much more likely to bring to you what you desire because you will be a vibrational match to that positive outcome.

Speak Positively

It is also important that we speak positively, both about ourselves and others. The words we speak help to create the situations in our lives.

Use Affirmations

For many people, repeating positive affirmations throughout the day helps them to create and maintain a more positive outlook.

Examine Your Underlying Beliefs

If you want more money in your life are you really open to it? Or are your underlying beliefs about money negative? You may believe that money is really evil or that the possession of a lot of money is not something that happens in your life or in your family. Rooting out these beliefs allows you to transform them into something more positive, allowing more positive outcomes (like more money) to show up in your life.

There are many ways to align our energies with what it is we want to manifest in our lives. The law of attraction is real and it is already working in our lives on a daily basis. In learning how to work with it, we really can create the life we have always wanted.

Author's Bio: 

Karen Ciancio is passionate for learning more and more about the spiritual aspects of our lives. She writes about spirituality, from the universal laws and the chakras, to how vibrations affect the food we eat, on her website Please stop by for a visit and read more about the law of attraction.