Janet Attwood The Passion Test

Have you ever considered what your passion in life is?
Have you ever heard of Janet Attwood and the Passion test?
Have you ever considered asking yourself if you’re living a passionate life or are you like most living day to day in the treadmill of what’s comfortable, what’s been programmed to become the daily routine whether you are enjoying it or not.
Have you stepped aside to ask yourself if you’re living your life full out and by deliberate intention for how you want to live?

Seems like fairly straight forward questions however seriously how many of you have actually taken the time to sit down and ask yourself such things?

Personally I know I didn’t step up to the plate and ask those pertinent questions until I was at the tipping point of my life and finally said to myself NO MORE! I’m not accepting another moment of unhappiness in my life.

And guess what? From that moment forward my life changed and so did I! Not that it was easy just that it was necessary because I was committed to having a life that I could be happy with, I would enjoy and I would decide was what I was worthy of accepting instead of doing what I thought was right for everyone else around me.

Janet Attwood is the co author of the book the Passion Test. The Passion Test is a fabulous book that will help you and guide you to decide and recognize whether your life is on track or not.

From her own remarkable experiences, Janet created the profoundly impactful Passion Test process. This simple, yet effective process has transformed thousands of lives all over the world and is the basis of the NY Times bestseller she co-authored with Chris Attwood, The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose. Janet is a living example of what it means to live a passionate, fully engaged life.

A celebrated transformational leader, Janet has shared the stage with people like His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson, Nobel Prize winner, F.W. deKlerk, Stephen Covey, Jack Canfield, and many others

Janet Attwood has studied directly with many of the Spiritual Masters in India that you and I have to this point only dreamed of.

Janet is an incredible teacher and a woman who truly walks her talk in terms of living from the place of being ‘awake’. Of being a conscious co creator taking responsibility for her life daily and striving to be of greater service to humanity by the way in which she loves herself.

Janet is one of the speakers in this special product offering that I’m making available to you.

I’ve taken 48 of the best interviews I’ve conducted with the most notable and highly recognizable names it the personal growth industry and created a compilation package called The Power of 45 …45 Reasons Why Life Can Be What Hollywood’s Movies are Made of!

Welcome to Life Can be What Hollywood Movies are made of Audio Collection

A stellar ensemble of 48 world renowned spiritual leaders sharing their wisdom and specific tools, strategies, and mindsets about the answer to the questions each of us is seeking in 2012 Who Am I and What is my Purpose?

The product is “Power of 45 ~ 45 Reasons Why Life Can be What Hollywood’s Movies Are Made Of Audio Collection” is a compilation of the Best of the Best speaker interviews of Top Visionary Leaders, Teachers, Speakers, and Coaches within the Personal Development and Spiritual Growth Arena of which YOU have been included as one of the inspirational leaders.

The BEST of the BEST of interviews with some of the most highly recognizable names in the personal development industry to date on the topic of discovering who we are, who we can be, and how much more happiness we can have. In short answering the questions Who Am I and What is my Purpose?

The package consists of 45 1 hour live interviews PLUS 3 bonus interviews with speakers such as Guy Finley, Colin Tipping, Amethyst Wyldyre, Hans Christian King, Dr. Alex Lloyd, Norma Hollis, Harrison Klein and many more.

In this package you’ll hear from Janet Attwood and you will learn how connecting to your higher Self through meditation will unlock the passion’s within you.

You’ll also learn how being connected to your passion will create a much happier life for yourself and also increase your abundance and prosperity in all areas of life , including what always seems to be that elusive money issue.

Listen and learn from Janet there 3 types of people in the world

1. Those who have nothing
2. Those who are just scraping by
3. Those that have far more than they need

Did you know that if the 3rd group don’t do anything to help the first two they are in fact the poorest people in the world
Because they are empty and material wealth will not fill them up

They will not be happy they will not be passionate in life they will not be compassionate they will not have an open heart

When each of us has an open heart we are able to change the world

Firstly and most importantly however is to be able to love ourselves and how many of us can truly say that we do actually love ourselves?

Janet will also share with us a reminder that there is nothing wrong with us, nothing to fix.

Which one of us can honestly say we haven’t experienced moments of self doubt or critizism that’s allowed our limiting beliefs to remind ourselves of what we think is not good enough.

We’re not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not deserving of love, not deserving of money, not deserving of a good job, you name it, we’ve all been there.

Janet walks us through the process to understand that all that has happened is we got off the track somewhere along the way. Some how we convinced ourselves that we are missing out in life and not deserving, when in fact all that needs to happen is for each of us to become ‘awake’. Awake to the truth that we are enough that there’s nothing wrong with any of us. We simply as who we are meant to be as we are and that the true gift in life is to find our inner passion, discover what motivates our heart so we can keep it expanded and open to share it with others.

Janet will share 3 tools that she’s used to stay connected to who she is and how she can bring her gifts to the world and how each and every one of us can too.


Author's Bio: 

A gifted and passionate Motivational Speaker, Writer, Radio Show & Interview Host Life coach, Nancy Battye is a continuous student of personal and spiritual growth.

Nancy’s passion is to ignite the spark within others to support them to get connected to their higher level of self so they may get connected to shining their own light and bring their own passion and purpose to the world.

Nancy’s firm belief is that in gaining greater levels of self acceptance and self approval our day to day life will change and illuminate our way to a much richer and deeper life experience.

Nancy’s vision is to create an international template that is a home away from home for youth and young adults who live with various physical disabilities to be supported and nurtured in a loving environment so that optimal opportunities are available for both the children and their families in all areas of life including their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experiences.