Choices. Choices. Choices. How many choices do we have in a day?

What shall I have for breakfast this morning? I was eyeing the goodies at the gluten free stand at the Saturday Wellington Farmer's Market, trying to make a choice. A woman with long brown hair walked over to the stand to make her choice as well. “Carole makes the best gluten free goodies.”, I said. “Oh wonderful. It’s great to find gluten free that tastes really good,” she replied.

I recognized that North American accent, having one myself. “Where are you from?” I asked. I found out she was from the States, visiting New Zealand, housesitting in Wellington, and would leave the country in another few weeks.

Continuing our enjoyable conversation over coffee, we started exchanging the usual what-do-you-do getting acquainted information. I told my new North American friend that I was a spiritual transformation coach, and I was in the process of writing a book.

“What’s your book about?” she asked. I explained about my recent round-the-world spiritual trek, and that my book is about the spiritual insights I gained along the way.

I then shared with her that I was flying to Australia to participate in a writer's course conducted by Hay House Publishing company the next day. Curiously, Barbara began to laugh. Why did she think that was that funny, I wondered.

Her explanation for her laughter is nothing I could have imagined. She said, “I worked with a woman who attended the same Hay House writer's course in the states. I helped her put together her proposal and set up her Internet platform. Out of all the proposals Hay House received from that course, they chose her book to publish. And they only chose one. Perhaps I am supposed to help you with your book proposal?”

What are the odds of me meeting this particular woman at this particular time? Think of all the choices that were made to have us both in the right placer at the right time.

Yoga? Or the farmers’ Market? They were both at the same time that day, so I had a choice. If I chose yoga my day would have unfolded differently than if I chose to go to the Farmers’ Market. Each choice brings its own path, its own experiences, its own learnings and its own opportunities. This morning I had chosen the farmers’ market. simply because I asked my intuition, and trusted it when it told me to choose the farmer's market for no apparent good reason.

Barbara was to be in town only a few weeks and had just heard of this farmers’ market and chose to come this day. Without a car, she took the train into the city. When she was almost at the train station, feeling a little chilly, she chose to go back to the house to get her jacket.

When she finally made it to the Farmer's Market, she trusted her own intuition to wander around. We both chose to wander over to the gluten free stand. I chose to speak to her. She chose to respond in an open and friendly manner. We both chose to sit and have a coffee together.

If one of these choices had been different, we might not have connected. Other things would have happened as each choice has its own path, but this opportunity to work with her on my book proposal would not have existed. Extraordinary!

So how does this work? How do we know which are the right choices? Are there RIGHT choices?

I have found it helpful to put my desire out to the universe and then I pay attention to my intuition as I make my choices. For example, for one week I consciously played with a practice of being in the right place at the right time and here’s what happened.

I had booked a massage at 2pm and was really looking forward to it. As I approached the city, I was mentally planned my exit, and where I would park. Putting money into the parking meter at almost 2pm, I was in perfect timing.

As I began to walk down the street when I realised that I didn’t know where I was going. Why on earth was I on Dixon Street? I had been so clear about coming here. I called the masseur. No answer. Her place was clear across town and it could take me another half hour to get there.

Back in the car I was annoyed with myself. How is this being in the right place in the right time?

It was now 2:30 and still no answer on her cell phone. I finally arrived at the right place, rang the bell at reception, but no one came. I was sure she’d left or had taken in another client because I was so late.

Annoyed with myself and about to stomp out, I chose instead to sit and meditate. All of this had to mean something. Closing my eyes, finding that deep, calm place within, all my stress fell away.


My eyes opened. “You’re early,” my massage therapist said.

There’d been a scheduling mixup and even though it hadn’t made sense to me, things had unfolded perfectly to fulfill my request for perfect timing. Had I gotten stuck in my emotions, and not reconnected with the source of all perfect timing, I would have left the massage place and missed out. Intuitive choices create perfect timing.

Regarding the book proposal, I had asked for help and help arrived. But it wouldn’t have if I hadn’t made the right choices. How do I know which are the right choices? One choice just feels better than the others, and that’s the one I go with.

Author's Bio: 

Leanne Babcock is a Spiritual Transformation expert and author who is trained in spiritual healing, Behavioural Psychology, Accelerated Learning, and Transactional Analysis.  

Also a certified master practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypno-Therapy, Leanne integrates all of her leading edge training with her own personal spiritual experiences to create a powerful source of transformation and upliftment for her clients.  

A natural intuitive, Leanne has been coaching personal and professional transformations through group workshops and individual coaching sessions since 1972 and is now finishing her first book,  “Open Says Me: The Journey from Unconscious Discontent to Authentic Freedom."