Happy Thanksgiving!

I’ve been privileged to join in the celebrations with our friends and family in the States on a few occasions. To me, it’s a lovely celebration – just a great time to be with the people you love and to give thanks for all the good things in your life. But giving thanks for your good fortune is more than just a day’s pleasantry.
If you’ve had a session with me or come to one of my workshops, you’ll know that one of the first tips I’ll give you about reducing stress, improving happiness and health is to make a list of things to be grateful for and study them each day. Well, that’s all very nice, you may think, but why would I bother taking the time? What’s it really going to do for me?

Well, don’t just take it from me. A newsletter from Vic Johnson alerted me to a study of 161 people published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research which concluded that those who focus on what they have—not what they lack—fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. Grateful people are also less tired and more functional during the day.
But why would being grateful affect your sleep? The researchers found that this was related to the thoughts people had as they drifted off. Being thankful led to faster, deeper sleep. “People who are feeling more grateful are less tense and anxious, because the two are incompatible,” says Norah Vincent Ph.D. “A mental state like that at bedtime would be helpful for your sleep.”

And gratitude does a lot more for you than just helping you get a good night’s sleep. Study after study has confirmed that people who practice an attitude of gratitude are likely to live longer, are happier people and enjoy better health. In addition, this practice helps you get through the ‘humps and bumps’ in life with greater resilience.
So make it Thanksgiving Day every day. Sit down TODAY and write out a list of all the things you’re grateful for today. Think of all the things that make you fortunate in life. For example, if you have plenty to eat and drink, have a home, a job and running water, you’re doing better than two-thirds of the rest of the world. If you have a healthy, fit body with all your senses and organs functioning normally, you’re better off than a lot of people. If you have friends and family around you who you love and who love you, you’re a lucky person.

Think of all the things we simply take for granted and start to notice how many things in your life you can be grateful for. Make it a daily practice to reflect on your list of things that make you fortunate, no matter what’s going on.

Doesn’t the world look a better place and don’t you feel better when you focus on what you have, rather than what’s missing? This is the secret to better sleep and a longer, happier life - enjoy it!

Thank you for being interested in your health and wellbeing and for listening to what I have to say. I hope it’s helpful.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving today and every day!

With love

Annie x

Author's Bio: 

Annie’s specialism is in restoring calm, clarity and confidence for her clients through coaching, counselling, seminars and recorded products. She is qualified in Stress Management, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP & Reiki.

I spent over 20 years in the advertising industry, reaching Board level.
However in the last 3 years in my career, my boss sold the company without securing my future, changes occurred which I found challenging, I found myself having to prove myself all over again and frankly, by the end of it, I burned out. My relationship was at breaking point and so was my heart and I just didn't understand why. I spent a lot of time being very self-critical and generally negative, despite my belief that I had always been a positive person.

In the end, I was made redundant, my marriage failed and my Father died. This was honestly my darkest hour.

So thank goodness then, that, whilst searching for a hobby to keep me in some way sane, I found a Stress Management Diploma Course. It took me 18 months to complete and the training has not stopped since! Within 6 months of starting it, I realised that THIS was what I wanted to do.

I wish I'd known what I've learned through my stress management training 20 years ago. Life would have been a lot simpler and far happier!

Subsequently, I've found a new partner who I feel lucky to be with, I divide my time between London, New York and the South of Spain, work in Stress Management & other aspects of Personal Development and consider myself to be the luckiest person on the planet bar none!

By teaching others what I know and working with people to overcome their own challenges using a variety of proven and effective techniques, I can help them reach the happy, healthy and fulfilled state that is everyone's right and there for the taking, if we're prepared to devote some time to looking after ourselves and to challenge a few of our beliefs and patterns.

My range of Stress-relieving CDs are available on Amazon, through New World Music and via my website www.breathingspacetherapies.com.

Annie is invited regularly to speak about her specialist subject at events. She has written articles for traditional and online business & consumer publications

Memberships include The Worshipful Company of Marketors,
Complementary Medical Association
International Stress Management Association
Human Givens Institute
Freeman of the City of London

For further information, please contact Annie Lawler on 0772 581 8884, by e-mail on annie@breathingspacetherapies.com or visit www.breathingspacefortherapies.com