An internal link links one web page to another on the same website. It is not limited to website navigation although this too is a type of internal linking. Rather, it is the links in the content on each web page.

An external link, on the other hand, is a link linking from another site to your website. These types of links are often organic and beyond your control. Internal links are within your control which makes them easier to create. Your website can benefit from internal links. It strengthens the sales funnel.

When linking one page to another, there is an element of authority. Similarly to other websites linking to your website through external links that give credibility to your website, internal links can do the same. When one web page is linked to another there is a level of credibility. Search optimizers refer to this as authority. Unlike external links, internal links do not increase the authority of the website, however, they pass the authority from one page to the next.

All your web pages may not have the same authority. For example, your home page may rank on the first results page of Google while your services page ranks on the second results page of Google. When web pages are linked one to another, the authority is passed from the home page to the services page which helps your ranking.

Create the internal link not just for rankings but with the reader in mind. Make the link engaging, instead of sticking to the general 'read more' texts.

Some web pages attract more visitors than others. It is because they have been ranked high on search engines

. Other pages draw visitors to take action because visitors enjoy your content and want to become subscribers. You can link these two pages, the one with high traffic and the other with a high call to action.
Your ultimate goal is to not just attract visitors but prompt them to make a choice. Whether it is to fill a form, subscribe to a newsletter or purchase a product or service. An internal link at the bottom of your marketing page will help generate leads.

How do you create internal links that will attract traffic and call to action leads?

First, make the text descriptive. Use keywords within the main text. When target keywords are used the text becomes relevant to search engines. While SEO should be important when creating texts, it is more effective if you consider the visitor who will be reading it. Use strong words, as mentioned earlier, read more, click here or follow the link are not all that compelling.

Links on web pages should be added if it is helpful to the reader. Do not place internal links haphazardly and with no meaning in sight. You can link from a new post to an older one that touches on a similar subject. It may be something that still receives traffic from search engines or social media networks.

You are in complete control of internal links as much as you are in control of your website. Create an in-depth link building strategy that will improve SEO and conversions.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Muhammad Nasir Aziz. I have more than 4 years experience in writing articles on different topics. I have written so many articles on finance, health, and technology