'It's just a stage you're going through...' - how many times have well-meaning friends and family members said that to you over the course of your lifetime? And don't expect them to stop now that you're about to retire, because, as far as retirement is concerned, there are six identified stages that most retirees go through to varying degrees. In this article I take a look at Stage 2 - The Retirement Event.

Stage 2 of the retirement process is The Retirement Event (otherwise known as 'the big day'). This is the day you retire and your employment (in its current form, at least) ceases. It's usually marked by some kind of an event such as a retirement party or dinner and involves saying goodbye to people you've worked with - promising to stay in touch with some and vowing never again to have anything to do with others!

Apart from over-indulging in champagne at your retirement party and telling your boss what you REALLY think of them, the major pitfall associated with this stage is, sadly, expecting to stay in touch with colleagues and friends from work - you will be surprised how quickly people move on when they no longer see you every day! If you want to remain in contact with ex-colleagues, you need to be prepared to do most of the work involved in staying in touch yourself - even when it feels like you're the only one making the phone calls and suggesting the meet-ups!

Author's Bio: 

Ann Harrison is a certified retirement coach, 2young2retire facilitator, pre-retirement trainer and author of 'The Retirement Detox Programme: 40 Days to Get Your Retirement Back on Track' and 'Thought Provokers: Questions You Need to Ask Yourself BEFORE You Retire'. For regular retirement-related news updates, visit her blog at http://www.contemporaryretirement.typepad.com/ or catch up with her via her website: http://www.ContemporaryRetirementCoaching.com.