This article is directed towards people with low self-esteem and so is one sided to that view.

A child is born very intelligent with an excellent learning capacity. This is based on the fact of how quickly a child learns to speak possibly several languages, walk, etc.

The child is directly or indirectly told they are worthless or put down in some way. You are limited, only a child, can’t do this or that. You will eat when I tell you, sleep when I tell you. You have no ability to act or decide for yourself. You are trained to be limited. By your teen years, this is deeply embedded in an endless loop code, so deeply embedded that you do not see it.

Some people attempt a new project or try to conquer low self-esteem, or just try to finish a project but cannot, and do not know what is stopping them. When such a person starts a project, as they get close to the end of the loop and completing the project, a line of code appears directing you to stop what you are doing and return to the beginning of the loop. Give up and do something else, get distracted, loose interest, give up hope, feel that you will fail anyway, this project is not good enough etc. go start something else that you can succeed in. Start a new loop.

From the view of the work, this is Event ? Action ? Identification ? Fragmentation ? Buffer ? Back to lower level of event.

That is the endless loop and why low self-esteem is so difficult to conquer, the hidden embedded line of code that perpetuates an endless loop or perpetual failure or unfinished projects.

This theory is that if you can see the end of the loop approaching and the line of code to stop action come up, you may be able to write a new line of code to counter that and finish the task at hand. When the loop is broken often enough, then the new line of code to move forward will be entrenched.

You can use my model to break the endless loop of low self esteem. The exercise is to use sticky notes and follow the process of each project or task and see where it gets stuck and creates a new project.

For example, make a note of writing a book, and follow the process of the book as it progresses or goes backwards or just stays without moving forward for some time.
Put a date on a sticky note for each project with each action you take as it moves through the model.

Watch if it moves forward to the top levels or gets up to one level then returns back to the bottom either by itself or by creating another project to draw your attention and leaves itself stagnant.

That way you can start to see the pattern or stagnation of your activities. Making it visual may help to break the endless loop.

Write the date on each note and write each action on the same note as it advances.

Look over your notes everyday and see which ones are not moving, that puts it right in your face of what you do and do not do.

The discipline should be enforced to complete a task. Even if the task itself is not completed, make a note on the sticky note for the new task to link to the action you did not do because you created this new task.

Use a new colour marker or sticky note each time you start a truly new, unrelated project.

Create another sticky note in the model, and find how many unfinished projects are started to avoid completion of the ones you previously had going and see how the endless loop runs.

Of course you cannot complete many projects, they are started as distractions. Therefore their completion was in the distraction, not in completing what they appeared to be. So in a way, you have competed a task if it took you away from the original task that started it. This becomes clear when you place the notes on the model and do this exercise.

The hope is that by bringing this loop into a physical reality to you through the model it will help you seek the discipline to complete any task.

The model becomes your master.

Author's Bio: 

David Samuel is The Entrepreneur Monk. David is a rag to riches story, making his first million at 25. Reaching his financial target by the age of 29, he sold six of the eight companies he owned to travel internationally for several years.

To date, David has owned companies in over 25 industries and 15 countries. Combined with his business ventures, teaching and consulting, David is devoted to the never ending exploration of the nature of the mind. He has resolved the riddle of why we do what we know is bad for us yet do not do what we know is beneficial and teaches that very effectively.

David has published four books and is working on his fifth at this time. You can read more about David and view his books on

Currently, David consults to private clients and corporations who are interested in eliminating negative aspects of their personality towards personal cultivation and success. He also holds ‘open to the public talks’ on Thursday evenings when he is in Auckland.

David also publishes exclusive articles 4 times per week on his The Forum presents a new exercise each week which leads towards success in any goal.

Please visit my new forum and get a free copy of my eBook, "Understanding Words An end to Anger and Conflict"