Being an international student in Australia, you are allowed to bring close family members as dependents with you. The immigration laws of Australia permit spouses, parents, and unmarried children of less than 18 years to enter Australia as dependents if they meet the eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Criteria
To enter Australia as a dependent on a student visa, there are following eligibility conditions:

• For spouse or partner: The dependent must be either your spouse (i.e. the person you are married to) or your de facto partner (including the same-sex partners). In case the dependent is your de facto partner, he/she must have been living with you as a partner for at least one-year duration and have a genuine and exclusive relationship with you.
• For a dependent child: The dependent must be either your child or that of your partner. The child must not be married, engaged to be married, or in a de facto relationship. Besides, the child must be below 18 years of age and still studying A-levels or pursuing other qualification.

Rights Granted under Dependent Student Visa
The rights granted to the dependent are based on the student’s course of study. The dependent spouse or partner is allowed to do work in Australia and can study for any course of 3 months or course with lesser duration.

If the student is pursuing a bachelor’s degree, the dependent is allowed to work for up to 40 hours per two weeks. On the other hand, if the student is pursuing a master’s degree, a doctorate or conducting research work, the dependent partner gets to enjoy full and unlimited work rights.

Documents Required
• Form 919 (Nomination of student dependents)
• Form 157A (Application for a student visa) and Original letter from the education provider that tells about the course, the duration of course, the expected date of completion, and whether the student meets all course requirements.
• Proof (such as marriage certificate) that indicates the relationship between the student and the dependent is as stated
• Proof of school enrollment for school-aged dependents
• Health insurance of dependents.

Important Note:
It is highly recommended that the student visa applicants mention all family members on visa application form even if they do not have any plan to come to Australia. Otherwise, the family members will not be eligible to apply for dependent student visa after the student starts studying the course in Australia.

Since obtaining a dependent student visa without any guidance can be very daunting and time-consuming, it is best to seek the assistance of a reputable visa service provider. They make the complete process easier and ensure that the visa is obtained within time.

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and write on different topics to explore my knowledge and exploring my thoughts