As human beings we interact with each other as well as with our environment and general circumstances in life, not realizing that every precious moment is a significant event designed to develop a vitally important part of our make-up.

Perhaps you’ve never come to realize it, but you’ve been a collector of marbles all of your life. Without them you will have been but an empty shell of a human being. There might have been times when the stresses of life have made you go a little “crazy”, causing other people to say, “He’s lost some of his marbles.”

If anything, that certainly proves that all of us are marble collectors. If still not convinced, I’m going to set about proving it to you by means of an illustration – and you are going to help me do it, if you don’t mind.

The marbles you’ve been collecting have come in a myriad of different colours and in quite a few sizes. It will help tremendously if you actually see them. So if you have a little free time right now, please see if you can find some kind of a glass container in your kitchen, such as a jar, drinking glass or small dish. And, of course, you will also need a bag of marbles. If you neither have the time nor have any marbles in the house, then your vivid imagination will do the trick.

Okay, let’s get the illustration going.

You’ve just made your entrance into this world by being born into it. After a few hours you start getting hungry. Your mother feeds you and you achieve a sense of satisfaction. Now drop one marble into that glass container, which would then represent the knowledge of hunger and a food substance to satisfy that hunger.

You’re now at a place called home where strange sounds and the constant voice of your mother enter your little being. This is just more information beginning to record itself in a “database” inside of you. You can add two more marbles to the container to cover that.

You’re growing up fast. Along the way a great many things have been filling up that database through your senses of smell, taste, touch, vision and hearing. Add several more marbles to the jar. You’re on the verge of intellectual greatness. Your mother has been telling the whole world that you appear to be exceptionally smart, probably more so than any other child in existence.

You have finally become a teenager. The years since birth had exposed you to a vast amount of experiences at home, in the school classrooms and the geographical environment of your activities and wanderings. Boy, all of this is worth quite a few marbles. Throw them in. Your mental and physical prowess is beginning to take shape. Your database of marbles is beginning to become quite colourful.

At this teenybopper stage you probably have not come to realize that the mound of marbles lying within your inner database is really all that you consist of. You are no more than that. Your knowledge, personality and character are all woven into your current collection of colourful marbles, which has fuelled a generator churning out intellectual processes used for informing the world that you have “arrived” and that the marbles your parents possess are at an inferior level of quality. You are even ashamed to be seen these “lesser” marbles.

You’ve completed your education and have quite a few years, as an employee, behind your back. Many more marbles have found their way into that database. (I trust you’re feeding that jar)

The marbles of unforeseen hardships, disappointments - and some happy moments - have found their way in over the many years that followed. The marbles now come in at a much slower rate. The picture of who and what you are has become pretty clear. You are no more than that particular bunch of marbles that only you have accumulated. There’s not a person in the world with the same database of marbles. Everyone has a different collection of marbles.

Okay, enough marbles, you’re waiting for the moral of the story.

The marbles - that only you have - represent the entire make-up and picture of your soul. The marbles dished out to you – most of them of the kind that you chose – make up your identity as an individual.

Your consciousness as a human being revolves around the content of your soul. And what comes out of that soul will be your word – your word based only on the specific kind of “marbles” lodged in your database of knowledge about yourself and the world as you perceive it. This is your word. This is your soul. You are one with your word and your soul. (May your marbles be of a very special kind)

Is there more to it? Yes, of course.

You started off with the breath of life. This breath of life came from God. He made you in His image, meaning you were made to be a little god complete with part of Him to give you life and to be just like Him – a spirit.

This spirit-life within you is represented by the air inside the glass container you used for this illustration. You had an infant spirit that needed “marbles” to start giving identity to your spirit, which identity was to become your soul and your word. Throughout your life your spirit has been animating your growing soul and presenting it to the world as your word through your physical body, the latter being represented by the glass container.

Yes, the world has been observing your marbles (soul and word) through that glass container – and so has God.

The world has been judging you by your word – and so will God.

And God said, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)

If you don’t already know, you need to find out what He meant by that.

The bottom line?
Don’t lose your marbles.

Author's Bio: 

Jack Vorster's background is marketing/advertising in the newspaper industry. Now retired, his passion is writing about the human make-up. Articles and ebooks on the subject may be viewed and downloaded from the pages of