In our inaugural Leading Ladies International Top 20 list we issue the names of the women who we believe most positively impact our world both locally, nationally and globally.
Why women?

“In today’s changing world we believe there is an increasing need for greater focus on right brain thinking,” Ms Pollard, Founder of Leading Ladies International said. “Moving from the logical, linear form of business that dominated in the industrial and informational ages, the new conceptual age will see a shift to more creative, artistic, empathic right brain approach to business and life.”

“Right brain thinking is a more cooperative, feminine approach that will be needed now more than ever,” she said. “There is a definite upward global trend of spirituality, environmentalism and a renewed interest in individuals seeking meaning in life and work, a lot of this is being led and demanded by women.”

A leader’s journey such as those experienced by the women on this list, is not for the faint hearted. Businesses and society today are in desperate need of leaders who have made substantial progress on their own personal journey of development. It is these leaders who are best able to handle the uncertainty and complexity caused by the huge economic, environmental and social changes we are facing today.

“Our “top 20” were chosen as they are creative, courageous, caring and charismatic women who deeply impact the lives of others, make a difference in society, have a great attitude to life and show leadership by living their legacy every day,” Ms Pollard said.

The Top 20 Leading Ladies of 2010 (in alphabetical order):

Author's Bio: 

Coach, author, speaker, teacher and entrepreneur, Heidi Alexandra Pollard, The Communicators’ Coach publishes Value Ad, a free monthly ezine for smart, savvy professionals who want more prosperity, passion and purpose in life. If you’re ready to jump start your success, make more money and have more fun doing it then get your FREE tips now at © Leading Value 2011.