How excited are you about your career? According to most
job satisfaction surveys, nearly 80 percent of the people
working in the US are unhappy or mismatched in their jobs.
Don't be one of them! You deserve to have a fulfilling
career that combines what you are naturally brilliant at
with what you love to do. And, yes, it IS possible even
during a sluggish economy.

You know you're experiencing savvy career success when...

1. You enjoy expressing your natural talents in your work

Fulfillment comes when you're doing meaningful work in a
thriving environment with people you like to be around. In
what ways could you upgrade your contributions by using
your strengths in your work? Emphasizing your strengths
adds value and builds your self-esteem.

2. You know which tasks energize you and you focus on them.

When your work is energizing, you no longer live for the
weekend. Make a list of the parts of your work that you
wouldn't want to give up and build on those. Then make a
list of what drains you. Learn to delegate the tiresome
tasks to someone whose talents are suited to these tasks.

3. You're committed to continually developing your talents.

Luck is created and comes to those who prepare themselves in
advance. Are you keeping up with new technology and trends
in your field of interest? Ongoing development is critical
to become the stand-out choice in any competitive

4. You're willing to align your top talents with your
compelling interests.

Knowing who you are and what you want to do gives you the
courage to go for what you really want instead of playing
it safe. When you encounter obstacles along the way, stay
focused on your goal. Do what you must without delay to
keep moving forward.

5. You allow yourself to visualize your ideal career.

Life can be fun and easy when your passion leads the way.
Begin my imagining already living your dream right now.
Describe the landscape in detail, including what it feels
and tastes like to already be in this preferred reality.
Make your vision real right now.

6. You are open to new and unexpected opportunities.

When you open yourself up to the notion that there are
unlimited opportunities for you, you'll begin to recognize
them everywhere. Amazing situations become available to
you in direct proportion to your willingness to receive

7. You have a fierce belief in yourself.

You can accomplish the seemingly impossible when your
belief in yourself is unstoppable. It is not uncommon to
be rejected multiple times prior to fulfilling your dream.
As bestselling author Olivia Goldsmith said, "As long as
you believe in yourself and your vision, you have something.
When you give that up, you are personally bankrupt."

Savvy career success comes to those who take charge of
their career. Otherwise, you'll just become a victim of
circumstance. Connecting with your ideal work comes from
learning about yourself from the inside out and then taking
aligned action steps. [For more support about building
successful careers or career transitions, refer to:]

Barbara McRae, MCC
The Savvy Success Coach

P. S. Please visit my new Savvy Success Strategies
page on Facebook:

Author's Bio: 

Barbara McRae, MCC, author and radio show host, is Founder and Director of Savvy Success LLC ( ) and its affiliate companies. She is also the Chief Knowledge Officer of, a purpose-filled coaching company. She specializes in coaching GEN Y, business owners and self-employed professionals to create a meaningful life. She regularly appears online, in print, and in the media.