Donald Trump, the US President, gave another misleading and false statement at coronavirus discussion that initiated with an off-topic briefing of his administration’s struggle to control drug trafficking.

The President again stated that no one could possibly foresee this epidemic situation leading to the ventilators shortage; though, experts gave a lot of warnings about this. Trump predicted that the virus wouldn’t be a so much threat to worry about in a month, a timeline that totally opposed the experts’ assessment. He further says that some of the US states are totally out of threat from coronavirus.
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Here are some claims made by President Trump:

Ventilators shortages

On Wednesday, Trump made dubious claim about ventilators shortage, which has now become a central crisis in the pandemic.

He made that statement while peddling the efforts of several United States companies, including General Motors and Ford, to manufacture ventilators as soon as possible.
President stated at the White House press conference that the US is now producing a lot of ventilators. It would take some time to manufacture them, and again no one could have predicted such a thing would happen.

Fact Note: Donald is wrong. Different public health officials and medical experts are showing their concerns for years about the ventilators shortage if ever some epidemic like coronavirus would occur. Even during the Trump tenure, there were several warnings that hospitals can run out of medical resources and lifesaving equipment because the United States isn’t preparing for any kind of endemic.

Coronavirus Timeline
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The President also stated that all this would pass in a month or so, and we wouldn’t be much worried about the COVID-19 anymore.

Fact Note: His statement about the coronavirus been passing in a month contradicts his own recent statement and those of many experts’ predictions.

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Hi, my name is Muhammad Asif, i love to write article on different topics.