Quitting smoking is not an easy process, but with the wide range of techniques available these days, the entire process is becoming less difficult. One of the most widely used methods is hypnosis because when used together with other programs the results obtained are remarkable. Using hypnosis to quit smoking is done in various ways including self-hypnosis and hypnotherapy – practiced by qualified or certified hypnotherapists. Self-hypnosis involves the use of various techniques to enable one to relax and guide them through certain images that can make them want to quit smoking. These techniques require a lot of practice on top of taking much time before mastery before getting the benefits.

On the other hand, a hypnotherapist is a qualified professional who has obtained training and has the expertise to help one to relax. Such professionals also guide one through various images and words that are very helpful to one who wants to quit smoking. Although this technique can be a great way to help one to quit smoking, it is only effective if the smoker truly wants to quit smoking, i.e. if the smoker is honest about quitting, then the chances of success are very high. This means that as long as the smoker does not desire to quit there is nothing much the hypnotherapist can do.

In addition, for one to be hypnotized, they must be willing to participate otherwise it becomes very difficult to hypnotize them particularly if the person is resisting the process. There is also a common belief that hypnosis is much easier to those with a high intelligence level as they are able to follow instructions easily. Consequently, the process becomes difficult when dealing with people with a low intelligence level. This means that unlike other techniques such as brain entrainment technology, hypnosis is not meant for everyone.

Despite being a great aid to quit smoking, hypnosis alone is not enough cures. Therefore, it is advisable to combine it with other aids such as nicotine patches, nicotine gums and medications. With the brain entrainment method, one is provided the opportunity to get to the root of the addiction, hence making it effective in creating a positive change. Another major disadvantage of using hypnotherapy is the high cost involved. Considering that, it takes time and a lot of consistency, the technique can be quite expensive particularly if the hypnotherapist charges on a session basis.

Sometimes using hypnosis to quit smoking fails to work because the smoker is unable to become relaxed sufficiently during the process. As a result, the suggestions do not penetrate the subconscious mind deep enough to yield substantial results. In order for the smoker’s subconscious mind to be accessed completely, they must be fully relaxed and in an open state of mind. If they are unable to relax fully and to open up their minds to the hypnotic suggestions, they will not have the will to resist smoking cravings. In addition, the thought of being hypnotized is quite scary and daunting among most smokers, and thus the unwillingness to go through it. Finally, the technique is yet to be proven to work scientifically.

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