Step one: Acceptance of present circumstances and reality

You cannot change what you do not acknowledge the pink elephant in the living room that everyone seems to want to ignore is going to squish you sooner or later. Standing in your truth is not about judgment or shame or guilt it is about ...Step one: Acceptance of present circumstances and reality

You cannot change what you do not acknowledge the pink elephant in the living room that everyone seems to want to ignore is going to squish you sooner or later. Standing in your truth is not about judgment or shame or guilt it is about creating an authentic life of depth verses a shallow life based on illusions and deception of self. Sometimes you have to admit you do not shave your legs in winter, have a tendency to pout when you do not get your own way and always do the opposite of what your Mother tells you to do.

Step two: Accept responsibility for words and actions.

It wasn’t me I didn’t do it may fly for a five year old not so much for a forty year old. If you did own it, learn from it grow and move on.

Step three: Commitment to understanding

Ask the big questions who am I? I am someone who likes fried chicken wings, sloppy movies and cute babies. Where did I come from? My God did I say that out loud I sound just like my Mother! What are my dreams, hopes, fears what is stopping me getting where I want to be?

Step four: Letting go of guilt, shame, pride and ego

Pride is the anchor that keeps you in your ego cut it loose. Guilt is the stick you carry with you to beat yourself up every now and then because you forgot about step number two. Shame on the other hand if the embarrassment of discovering you are human after all.

Step five: Building a foundation

Anything built on a shaky foundation isn’t going to last long. Pick four cornerstones for your base something like love, integrity or honesty, compassion maybe patience. Do an extreme make over of your belief system a spiritual renovation throwing out anything that no longer serves your highest good.

Step six: Finding the tools you need

Remember grasshopper what a carpenter builds with a hammer a teacher builds with words. It is not a good idea to borrow your neighbors’ tools now is a time to invest in some new ones of your own. If you go dipping into Oprah’s toolbox chances are you will be building Oprah’s dream not yours. Try some different ones if they do not work try some more eventually you will find one that will do what you want it too!

Step seven: Emotional and Physical healing nurturing the body mind

The only way through it is just that to walk through it. You can bury your head in the sand all you like but that will simply mean someone will come along and kick you in the butt. But there is no need to be afraid of this journey because you now have the tools you need to heal to nurture no need for a quick fix.

Step eight: Inner peace and stillness nurturing the spirit

This comes when you accept who you are, where you are and what you have yet to do. It is that moment when the moment you are in need be nothing more than what it is.

Step nine: Awareness walking awake

Notice now you are wide awake noticing all life has to offer, the endless possibilities, the joy and blessings. No more sleep walking through this journey for you!

Step ten: Walking through life with grace, dignity and gratitude

I will not say the final step because we all tend to take two steps forwards and one step back on occasions. Grace is the inner beauty that shines as a guiding light for those coming behind to follow, dignity is living an authentic life standing in your truth and gratitude is acknowledging the blessings bestowed upon us the abundance in all its forms.

So now you are walking towards the life you want great isn’t it! So maybe you won’t walk as fast as the next guy that’s okay, remember Elvis sang “Wise men say only fools rush in.” or something like that. Life is not a fast food Mac Burger it is a banquet to be savored. Maybe you will have to retrace your steps that’s okay too sometimes this is the only way to find what you have lost or misplaced. It matters little what matters more is you remember a journey begins with a single step.

Author's Bio: 

Robin J is Psychic who is using her many years of experience to help people access their inner guru. People always ask how do I make it through this or how do I create change or fulfill my potential. It is simple one step one day at a time.
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