It is an awful feeling to be sexually used by someone. It can result in confusion and depression if you do not seek help on time. It can be traumatizing if you have if you keep it yourself and do not seek help. If that person is HIV positive, it can be more confusing. If you have been used sexually by lee stobby entertainment producer, it is wise to take law action. Ensure you visit a health facility to check up on your HIV status on time and seek medical advice.

In the event you are assaulted by someone sexually, these guidelines will help you to recover.

1. Express your feeling without shame.

It is okay to feel angry and confused after sexual assault. Do not feel shame to express how you feel when seeking help. Show out your feelings confidently as there is no right way to react to a traumatizing situation.

2. Develop compassion for yourself.

If you have been used sexually by someone, do not be too hard on yourself. Please do not blame yourself for what happened, as it can ruin your life. You should know that you are not responsible for the actions of your assaulter.

3. Look for professional help.

Do not allow the assault to ruin your life but seek help. When faced with trauma, it is not good to keep it all by yourself. Talking to a professional therapist will help you to relieve your problem.

4. Be careful about the type of family or friends you contact for support.

Some friends might not help you when faced with trauma but instead worsen up the situation. Look for friends and family members who are supportive. It is good to stay close to supportive friends and family members because they will console you with kind acts and words. They will provide you with the right support that you need.

5. Listen to yourself.

After a sexual assault, your mind might be thinking a lot of negative thoughts about yourself. It is not good to ignore those negative thoughts, but listen to yourself and deal with them. Please pay attention to all your thoughts. You do not need to be worried about dealing with them. Present them to a professional therapist who will help you on how to deal with them.

6. Do activities that lighten up your mood.

Do not let yourself be sad for a long time after the assault. Concentrate on activities that make you happy and lighten up your mood. This can be by doing your hobbies like swimming, cooking, shopping. Make an effort to take care of yourself and be positive about yourself. Treat yourself with love.

Bottom line.

Healing after sexual assault can be a short process or a long one. It is a different experience for each individual. Even after doing all the things to help you heal, sometimes you might be feeling awful that it happened to you. Being sexually assaulted is a very traumatizing experience, but do not let it ruin your life forever. Show love to yourself and surround yourself with people who love you and care about you.

Author's Bio: 

Hannah is a professional writer who loves to make research on unique topics and express her thoughts by content writing.