The Breakdown of Families Saddens me: Hence why I would like to bring some light to the repair and reconnection of families.
In my clinic, I see both sides’ parents and children disconnected for “No Good Reason”. Good people missing out on sharing each other’s lives together.
I have wrote this article as support for you in - Bridging the Gap: - Reconnection with Parents & Adult Children
If you are looking to reconnect with your parents then you have come to the right place. There is a phase that as children, moving through teenage years to Adult years can become quite difficult.
Becoming quite agitated, annoyed and even angry with parents. Attempting to find fault wherever possible with their role they have played as parents.
There is a sense of normality with this as you (we) are meant to go out there and build a life to call your own. But not as a meaning of disconnectedness.
From both my experience as a parent and of a practitioner the majority of parents love their children deeply and have done, still working on doing their best.
There is a release of your children where your responsibility as a parent begins to pan out around 18 years of age so the experts say.
However this can go on a little longer, but with a transition not so much for the parents to take responsibility but believing that they have given their child/children a solid foundation so that now they are able to make their own decisions and acceptance of learning/growing from the consequences.
Learning to love your parents as you become adults needs to be nurtured and found with the realization that they are Human: People just like each of us. To make No judgement but to just love for them being your parents and bringing you into the world. Now to go out and build your life.
Here I help you with that process of how to become more connected with your parents
My parents have both passed now, like most people: They were maybe????not the Best parents or What is Being the Best Parent. I think it is about doing the Best you Can.
After listening and speaking with thousands of people over the years regarding this delicate subject.
For Better or Worse, your parents, are your parents and you are born to them for a reason. The reasons unfold as does your life.
Fortunately, I never cut myself off from my parents and I am so glad that I didn't because throughout the years I grew to know them, not always to understand them.
But to know them and have a relationship with them. So that when they passed I felt grateful and comfortable within myself.
Realizing that I had become a very Strong and Independent Woman whom they could be very proud of.
Did they do an Awesome Job of raising me or Did I do an Awesome job of Learning from Life's experiences?
Life's experiences come in all the various areas within your life, it is learning, adapting, understanding that life isn't perfect, people aren't perfect (None of us).
It is all about how the Journey of life is shared together!!!!
Here is an article I wrote re 8 Ways to Build Positive Relationships that Bring out the Best in you. It is also important to Build Healthy Relationships with your parents and family as well.
This refers to friendships as we become Adult children it is about Building a two way Friendship - "Love one another: Not Because of Your Similarities but because of your Differences"
Build Love, Warmth, Compassion and Most of All Forgiveness

Author's Bio: 

Julie Doherty is acknowledged as Worldwide Leader in Naturopathic Medicine by The Leading Physicians of the world.
Julie is an exceptionally experienced Naturopathic Practitioner with vast expertise in Traditional medicine, Herbal & Homeopathic medicine: Massage & Beauty Therapy
Julie being the sole practitioner and owner of - Julie's Naturopathic Health Care Services – Established since 1990
Julie's private practice is located in Hackham, South Australia, Australia
Julie has an extensive Herbal & Homeopathic dispensary: Enabling her to prescribe & formulate at the time of consultation a medicine that is as individual for each client as are their health concerns.
Julie remains loyal & true to the very core Foundations of Naturopathic Medicine to bring back health, balance & harmony with all body systems working in unison together. Treatments, Medicines & Therapies that will "Do No Harm"
Providing support bringing about improved Lifestyle and Living habits.
Julie graduated with distinctions from S.A. College of Botanical Medicine and Natural Therapies & is an accredited member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.
Julie’s Professional qualifications include Diplomas in Naturopathic, Herbal Homeopathic Medicines: Nutrition, Remedial & Therapeutic Massage Therapy
Julie credits her success to determination to want to provide significant changes to people's lives. Especially with providing a strong foundation for her family.